
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Pink Clouds and a Linky

Fluffy clouds lit up a neon pink during a recent sunset where we live in South Africa. I took these photos from different spots on our balcony. There are homes around us. I did my best to avoid getting them in the shots. We live in the suburbs but close enough to nature to experience both. Wishing those in the northern hemisphere a lovely autumn, and those in the southern hemisphere a beautiful spring! 


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:

Lunch at Nitida



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  1. Replies
    1. Oh, cool! I'll remember that in future. In South Africa it's called candy floss (British English). In Afrikaans it's called spookasem, which means ghost's breath.

  2. I love the pink clouds. We've had that a bit here but not those full blown sunsets. It's strange.

  3. Wow! Your pictures of the clouds are so beautiful, Christina! I just love the beauty of God's creation. Thank you for sharing! And thanks so much for hosting as well! Blessings! :-)

  4. Wow, such beautiful clouds, so very lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. Thank you so much for hosting. Have a wonderful day!

  6. Those clouds don't even look real! Gorgeous.

  7. What lovely skyscapes! You'd think they were taken in the middle of nowhere.

    My pictures!

  8. Wow, these photos are stunning! I can't get over the brilliant shade of pink! Breathtaking.

