
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Surprise, I’m Pregnant!

This story follows on from, "Thinking About Having Another Child?"
You can imagine then how I felt when I found out that I was pregnant! My husband was elated, but I was not so sure. We told the children that same day and they were just as happy as their dad. My son’s excitement surprised me the most. He immediately ran to tell his friends, but since his friends were all boys, they didn’t quite mirror his exuberance.

I went through morning sickness and depression. I lost 8 kg. (which was good for my figure). I noticed something else, that somehow our family, despite all our good intentions, had been experiencing a bit of a disconnect. I don’t know when or how it began, but that independence that I mentioned earlier did not always produce positive results.

During my time of morning sickness, something happened, which made me marvel. Those first few months when I spent most of my time in bed, my son would come and give me a hug. Then my daughter would come and do the same. My other daughter would give words of encouragement and an occasional hug. This was unusual behavior coming from them and of course very appreciated by me. It took this unplanned pregnancy to bring us closer together.


  1. She is such a cutie. Her little sweet face sure brings cheer to everyone who sees her. No wonder she brought your family closer.

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad you could visit and thanks for being my latest follower! Tina

  2. Hi,

    I'm from South Africa, Cape Town, but I am currently traveling the world with my fiancé. In February we will go to CT to get married. I have enjoyed reading your blog posts.

    Come and check out mine too...
    New Follower, Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine! You have a beautiful blog and great photos. I'm now following with GFC.

  3. Isn't it amazing how God works. To think that he would use a surprise pregnancy to bring your family closer together. We had something like that happen with us last week. We didn't find out we are expecting another but had a major change in where we thought our life was leading. It definitely redirected our focus to God and amongst all the chaos we have found peace and grown closer together.
