
Monday, July 16, 2012

My Bedroom Make-Over on a Tight Budget

Today I want to share with you my bedroom make-over. It’s not really a make-over, but that sounds better than the alternative title that I had in mind: Adding a Few Touches. With our tight budget, we had to make a little go a long way. It was my husband who got the ball rolling while we were at the grocery store where there were different vases and decorative pieces that caught his eye.

When we first moved into this house, our cupboards had a space for a TV. We are a one TV kind of family and since our TV is in the family room, we never knew what to do with the big open space in our cupboard. In the before picture you can see that we temporarily put a white continental pillow in the space. In the after picture you can see the three new center pieces that we bought in silver and purple. The two silver pieces were from the grocery store. The painting was made by Amanda at preschool and there is a bit of purple in her picture, so we put that up too.

In the before picture you can also see a small bit of our extra storage bags on the top shelf. This never created ambiance and was a problem. My husband came up with a solution. He grabbed three cushions off our couches from the family room and placed them in front of our bags.

We also bought two silver continental pillow cases, two purple pillow cases, and two purple and silver bed-side lamps from an inexpensive home store. The colors that were already in the room were browns, grays, white, gold and silver. Adding the purple color worked surprisingly well. I’m sorry the pictures aren’t so clear, but there are silver sequins edging the silver pillow cases and a band of rhinestones around the purple lamps, which match well with the rhinestones around the purple candle holder.


  1. What a difference! It looks great after!

    1. You're too kind! These were not my greatest pictures, but I'm glad that you could see the difference. :) I added better photos on my latest Wordless Wednesday. Thanks for visiting my blogs!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! My pics turned out kind of lame, so I added new pics on my Wordless Wednesday (that's why I left you 2 links). Your pics on your post turned out great!
