
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Green Kids Club Wolf Howls and Other Books

Green Kids Club
Wolf Howls and
Other Books

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How it all began...

Sylvia Medina is someone who is passionate about the environment and the animals that live in this world. As a youngster she loved to hike and enjoy the wilderness and especially loved animals. She took this passion and dedicated herself to becoming an Environmental Engineer where she could help make a difference.

Another passion Sylvia found was children! When her twins were born she knew she wanted to instill in them the passion of being stewards of our environment. So when Sylvia's twins were infants - she found herself watching television shows for kids. This made her realize that there were few programs about environmental stewardship and endangered species preservation for children. So one early morning - about 1:30 am - while rocking her baby girl to sleep she came up with the idea of creating stories and products that teach children about the environment and the world around them. So the Green Kids Club was created.

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Desert Mirage

Our Review of
Desert Mirage:

One of the first books that Amanda picked up to read from the Green Kids Club series was Desert Mirage. She enjoyed reading about the wild horses of America. She learned a few new words too like "indigenous," which the horses are not.

At the beginning of the story is a map of the United States with the state of Arizona highlighted. In the story, Maya and her Green Kid friends go on an adventure through the canyon lands of Arizona to find water. Amanda's favorite line about the horses was that they symbolize the spirit of the American West. At the end of the story there are facts about the wild horses, new vocabulary words, tips about saving water, and more!

Amanda and I enjoy the Green Kids Club picture book series. Not only are the stories fun, but there are neat things to be learned. We also care about animals and the environment. Let's make our kids, Green Kids!


Wolf Howls

Our Review of
Wolf Howls:

Wolf Howls is a picture book from the Green Kids Club series. The Green Kids are children helping endangered animals and the environment. At the beginning of the story is a map of the United States with a highlighted belt that runs from the top of Alaska through Washington State and all the way down to the top of New Mexico - the Rocky Mountains mountain range.

The kids learn about the plight of the wolves. Humans have been hunting them to near extinction. The kids must find a cub that has gone missing, taken by poachers. Amanda learned a couple of new words like "constellation" and "ecosystem." At the end of the story are facts about wolves. Her favorite fact that she learned is that the reintroduction of wolves to the Rocky Mountains has been successful.

Amanda and I enjoy the Green Kids Club picture book series. Not only are the stories fun, but there are neat things to be learned. We also care about animals and the environment. Let's make our kids, Green Kids!


The Shark and the Volcano

Our Review of The Shark
and the Volcano:

The Green Kids are on another adventure in The Shark and the Volcano. This one takes them to the waters of the Hawaiian Islands where they find out about the plight of sharks due to finning and their capture. Finning was a new word for Amanda. I had learned about the awful practice over a year ago and explained it to her. There is also an explanation at the back of the book. Amanda was surprised to read that people are willing to pay $150 for a bowl of shark fin soup! She also read other facts about sharks at the end of the book and was impressed to learn that sharks can have up to 3,000 teeth at one time!

In the story, the Green Kids ride dolphins and they meet a mystical warrior princess of the seas. Together they stop a group of fishermen from taking the fins from sharks. The princess tells the fishermen that what they are doing is wrong and that sharks are endangered. The princess warns them that if they don't stop, they will experience the wrath of the volcano.

Amanda and I enjoy the Green Kids Club picture book series. Not only are the stories fun, but there are neat things to be learned. We also care about animals and the environment. Let's make our kids, Green Kids!


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About the Author:
Sylvia Medina

Role in Green Kids:

•President and Founder of Green Kids Club, Inc.
•Primary Author, Creative Director
•Environmental Engineer & Scientist

Sylvia is the President and Creative Director of the Green Kids Club. She has spent her career focused on environmental issues and helping to preserve animal welfare.

When she had twins, she became aware that she truly wanted her children to grow up with an environmental conscience and an understand the basics of environmental stewardship. With this in mind, she developed the Green Kids Club concept which would help her children as well as other children around the world learn early the environmental habits they could share with others.

Disclosure: We received free copies of these books for our honest review.

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