
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Hickies #LifeWithoutLaces Review

Hickies -
No Tie Elastic Shoelaces

Life Without Laces
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As a mother of four, I found it so frustrating having to tie my kids' shoelaces all the time. I usually did a double knot so that I wouldn't have to tie them a second or third time in the day, but then the double knot was always so hard to undo afterwards! Amanda, my youngest, can tie her own shoes now, but at the end of the day she asks me to take out her double knot!

We live in modern times, but shoelaces go back to the Dark Ages (or thereabouts). Why haven't shoelaces caught up to modern times? Why do we still have them?

Introducing Hickies -
the no tie elastic shoelaces.

Their motto: Life without laces.

Their Story:

The only thing we love more than a good pair of sneakers is a good story – and this one is a tale of two lovers who left home in Argentina on a wing and a prayer, with an idea that would change the world of sneakers forever.

Mariquel Waingarten and Gastón Frydlewski love sneakers but hate shoelaces. Those pieces of string just get in the way. So when Gastón told Mariquel his idea for HICKIES lacing system, she recognized the touch of genius. They developed the concept further and set up a Kickstarter campaign to see if the rest of the world was ready for HICKIES lacing system. Their Kickstarter campaign surpassed their wildest dreams and raising 600% more than their original goal. Life started moving fast for Gastón and Mariquel: in less than a year they quit their day jobs, got married, and moved to New York City to set up the company HICKIES. You could say they lived happily ever after – HICKIES lacing system is the next level for the sneaker game, but just the beginning of what this pair will achieve.

Amanda's Latest Pair of Sneakers:

Before (with antiquated shoelaces)...

And After (with hassle-free Hickies)...

How it Works:

The Hickies no tie elastic shoelaces can be adjusted all the way from extra tight to loose. You can also mix the fit if you need a spot looser or tighter on your shoes. Samantha has done a mix on her Keds canvas shoes in the photos below. The end results are stylish slip-on shoes. Hickies give you hassle-free shoes and one size fits all, so there's nothing to worry about! Visit the Hickies website to see how it's done!

I like the Hickies Lacing System so much that I would be happy to get more for the rest of the family. It's liberated us from antiquated shoelaces and now we can enjoy our footwear more!

Samantha's Canvas Shoes
with Hickies:


USA Online Shop:


Disclosure: I received free ladies and kids Hickies for an honest review.

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