Thursday, June 14, 2012

Knots in My Hair!

Amanda is playing that the dolphins are diving
in the water at South Africa's West Coast.
The kids say the funniest things and I don’t always write it down. Sometimes, I say to myself that I’ll write it down later, but then I forget. I usually just let life happen, but I’ve found that writing it down allows me the time to enjoy the moment again and again.

The other day, I came across a little note of mine that had been buried under other papers near the computer. It was a funny moment that I had had with Amanda some months back and I had completely forgotten about it. Thank goodness that I had written it down on paper and not lost it! I’ve included a short introduction to help set the scene.

Every morning, I brush Amanda’s hair and tie it up out of her face. She has lots of curls that are sometimes hard to brush. Often, she complains that I’m hurting her. I try hard not to and I apologize when it pulls. If I don’t apologize, she gets upset with me.

On this particular morning she said the funniest thing. “You’re putting knots in my hair!”

“No, I’m not. I’m brushing the knots out,” I replied.

“You are putting knots in my hair. I feel it!”

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. I thought to include a bit about how I edited these two photos. I edited both using PicMonkey, but I first straightened the one where Amanda is sitting with Picasa 3. I’ve included some links on these topics.

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  1. Yes this is true. you really do not know what to expect when they open their mouths. My daughter keeps saying bitquetoe for mosquitoes when she sees me trying to catch one with the zapper.

    1. Our kids add color to our days! If I had had my choice, I would not have had another child so soon,even though there is a big age gap. But I and my family would have missed out on so much. Amanda is the sunshine in our lives.
      Enjoy your girl and your trip to Orlando!

  2. We have hair wars every day STILL (my daughter is 9)! She has very thick and wavy blond hair and she would be just as happy to having it full of tangles and knots. It used to be down to her waist, but she recently chopped it into a short manageable bob.

    Visiting from the hop. I've subscribed by email. Check out my current book giveaway - it's a book your daughter might enjoy. Have a great day! Cheers, Renee

    1. I've seen your blog and am now following you two ways: Twitter and Google+

      I'm in South Africa so I can't participate in any book give-aways, but I'm happy to see what you guys are reading. Sometimes I also write posts about books... like the title of my blog suggests! :) I hope you'll visit this site often and leave feeling uplifted.

    2. Happy to follow you. I've subscribed by email and gotcha on Twitter and Google+ too! :)

    3. Yep! I just saw the two follows now. Thanks so much! Looking forward to reading more from you too. Tina

  3. Thanks Rashida! Keep taking pictures of your kids! I loved seeing them on your FB page. :)

  4. Hilarious! Quit putting knots in her hair already! So cute. And her hair looks amazing!

    1. Thanks! I'm lining up another interesting post along these lines, but this one has to do with Shakespeare and fairies. Hope to see you here again soon! I'm following you back on Google+

  5. Hi Christina! Yes, I agree Heather...very cute! Christina you're definitely doing something right because her hair is beautiful! I also agree that what children say can be priceless. You make me think of Bill Crosby and Art Linkletter who were notorious for highlighting the words of children. (lol) Wonderful! Thanks for your visit and linking to the blog hop. :D

    Thanks for the giggle,

    1. You are so kind! My husband and I love Bill Cosby's sense of humor. I wish I'd take the time to capture more such moments. My kids say much more interesting things than me! LOL
      Oh, and the hair... well that's God, not me! :D Check out my 3 girls at and you'll see that all 3 have different hair.
      Take care! Tina

  6. New follower from the blog hoop.Happy to have found your lovely blog!
    I blog here:

    1. Thanks! I'm following back and left a comment for you on your blog.

      God bless!

  7. New follower from Local Sugar hop. YOu have lots of great info on your blog. Love for you to follow back when you get a chance.

    1. I am now following back and have left a comment on your blog. :) Have a great weekend!

  8. That is funny, my daughter calls them rats! I am not sure where she got that from, but that is what she has always called them. I do find that brushing the bottom part 1st, then working your way up helps a lot. I am now following, and found you via 'Aloha Friday' blog hop. If you have a chance stop by and visit me at
    Have a lovely day!

    1. Thanks for the taking the time to add a helpful tip! I brush from bottom up too. I'm now following you on Google+. Since I'm not in the States, I can't really utilize the deals, but I'll keep an eye out for ones that I can use. Thanks and have a great weekend!

  9. Lol that is so cute. My daughter has wavy hair and boy is it a mess trying to come it.

    1. Thanks Safiyyah! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I wish you all the best with your girl's hair!


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