Welcome to my weekend blog hop -
Make My Saturday Sweet #96!
My Living and Dining
Room Decor - Part 1
Everyone has different tastes when it comes to decorating their homes. Our decor evolved over time. When we moved into our current home six years ago, we didn't have a plan on how we were going to make it beautiful. This home had pale yellow walls and red bricks. I had one large batik from Kenya, which my husband framed himself after we moved in and hung it in the dining room. It had the same color schemes as the home. We took our cue from that and the rest kind of followed.
Check out my latest book review:
Prince of Malorn - Annals of Alasia
Middle-Grade Fantasy Series

Make My Saturday Sweet is a weekend blog hop for all family friendly blogs. You are welcome to link your favorite post from the past week(s) and to visit the last link before yours and leave a sweet comment. It's a really easy and fun way to make new friends and to catch up on old acquaintances.
Now on to my blog hop...

It's time for another Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop!
Join me (your host) for this fun and easy hop.
All family friendly blogs are welcome!
If you host your own blog hop(s), then feel free to
link them on my Blog Hops page!
I would love for you to follow me on
Here are the easy rules:
- Follow Tina (your host) on one or more links listed above.
- Link up a post from your family friendly blog.
- Please try to add my hop button on your post or side-bar.
- Share about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
- Visit the last link before yours and leave a sweet comment.
Blog Button Code:
This is a blog hop!