This was Amanda's little playgroup's end-of-the-year concert. They sang and danced to three songs, two were in English and one in Afrikaans. She was Marie in the song "Let It Grow" from the Lorax movie and had to sing/say her lines to the original song, which she did super sweetly. She beamed the whole way through and was really brave on stage. Here's a portion of these fun lyrics with Amanda's/Marie's lines in red. You can find the whole version on Wiki.
Crowd song
Sai: You don't know me, but my name's Sai.
I'm just the O'Hare delivery guy.
But it seems like trees might be worth a try.
So I say, Let it grow.
Dan: My name is Dan.
Rose: And my name's Rose.
(together) Our son Wesley kind of glows.
And that's not good, so we suppose, we should let it grow.
Mrs. Wiggins: Let it grow, let it grow.
(crowd joins in) You can't reap what you don't sow.
Plant a seed inside the Earth, Just one way to know it's worth.
Let's celebrate the world's Rebirth, We say Let it Grow!
Marie: My name's Marie and I am 3!
I would really like to see a tree.
La la la la la la la lee, I say let it grow.
Norma: I'm Grammy Norma, I'm old and I've got grey hair.
But I remember when trees were everywhere!
And no one had to pay for air, so I say, Let It Grow!
Everyone: Let It Grow, Let It Grow, like it did so long ago.
It is just one tiny seed, but it's all we really need.
It's time to change the life we lead, time to Let It Grow.
O'Hare: My name's O'Hare, I'm one of you. I live here in Thneedville too.
The things you say just might be true. It might be time to start anew.
And maybe change my point of view.
(speaking) Nah, haha! I say let it die! (singing again) Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and - (speaking) Come on, who's with me Huh?
Marie: Nobody.
She was also in a Monkeynastix end-of-the-year event.
You can read my previous post to find out more about it.
Now on to the blog hop...

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