
Thursday, June 21, 2012

What’s in a Name?

My first name is Christina. It means a follower of Christ. While growing up, I was sometimes asked to give my full name along with its spelling. I would say that it's Christ and then add ina. I always got a surprised reaction by that. Since Christ was never spelled with a K (at least not in English) I figured that was a clear enough explanation. I later found another way to say my full name. My maiden name is Littlefield, so I would tell people that it’s Christ in a Little field.

My middle name is Allison. It means truthful. One day, while looking up the meanings of names, I came across a more intriguing meaning, truthful warrior maid, like Joan of Arc. My favorite quote that I put on my Facebook profile states: In the movie The Return of the King, Eowyn is facing the Lord of the Nazgul in battle and says (as she takes her helmet off), "I'm not a man, I'm a woman!"

I wrote a bit more about my warrior side on my post 7 Things about Me.

Do you have a name with an interesting meaning? If you do, I would love to hear about it! Please leave a comment below and I will reply.


  1. Hey! New follower from Aloha Blog Hop

    My name actually means laborious and eager. I'm not sure if those two traits really describe me but at least it has a good meaning.


    1. Hi Emily! I'm now following your blog and I've left you a comment. It was nice to meet your family and thanks for telling me about your name! Please follow back on Google+ as well if you're not already. :)

  2. Hi, I'm also from the Hop. I really enjoyed reading this little post! My name means re-born or re-birth. I've always felt that it had special meaning to me, because I feel like anyone can be re-born figuratively speaking. We often have the chance to restart our lives. Most of my Mondays I usually give myself a little pep talk: "Ok, starting today, I will...stopping eating chips, start running three times per week, make three phones to friends/family to reconnect, etc..." I think people often get dragged down thinking about past mistakes, or past events that have had an impact on them. I'm a big believer in wiping the slate clean and starting from scratch!

    Don't miss out on the giveaways for kids books that I'm currently hosting! Have a wonderful weekened. Cheers, Renee

    1. Thank you for sharing! I love the meaning of your name!

      I'm already following you on Google+

      I can't participate in giveaways as I'm in South Africa, but thanks for letting me know.

      Have a wonderful weekend to you too!

  3. Hi! I love your blog! Following you from the Aloha Friday Blog Hop! I would appreciate the follow back! Thanks! -Kat

    1. Hi Kat! I'm now following you on GFC. I can't see that you're on my GFC, please check!

      I love the title of your one post Summer Vacation?... For Who? As a child, I always thought parents were mean who made jokes about wishing their kids were in school, until I had kids of my own! :)

      You'll have to nip the arguing and sibling rivalry in the bud. Give them rewards for good behavior. I saw you were going to be implementing something like that. Good idea! Carry it through, even with attitudes. It's tough... really tough keeping them in check all the time. It's exhausting! Check out my post Protecting Your Child Even from the Relatives Part 2. I mention the sibling rivalry between my brother and I.

      Take care! I'll pray for you tonight. Motherhood isn't for sissies. :)

  4. New follower to this blog too! (I just came from Consider the Lillies!)
    Look forward to getting to know you!


    1. Thanks Emily! I'm following both your blog and FB page. I like what you write about. God bless!

  5. I am visiting for the first time form the 99% Exposure Hop, now following and have added your blog to Google Reader today,on GFC and Twitter, hope you can come visit as well. Thanks

    1. Hi Karren! I'm now following you on GFC, Twitter, Pinterest and sent a request to join your FB group. I see that you have 4 kids like me! One day I'll be a grandma, but hopefully only in about 8 years time! :)

  6. Hi Christina! I am a fellow Christ follower and I love that quote on the Lord of the Rings. I am stopping by from mom's mingle and I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim. Thanks for sharing a little bit more about yourself.

    1. Thanks! I'm following back and have left you a message on your latest post. You have a beautiful family!

  7. Cynthia means "goddess of the moon." Kind of pagan for a Christian girl. On the other hand, I've always been a night person, so it's somewhat appropriate.

    1. Thanks for sharing! I've just added you on Google+ as well. Enjoy the grandkids, even if you do look too young to be a grandma. :)
