Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Pets and Linky

Biscuit and Koda were told to sit and stay. What are they looking at so intently? It's a big temptation, but Prince is willing to take the risk. The dogs chase cats and they will go for ours, so we keep a close eye on them. That doesn't stop Prince from hanging out with us near the home when we take the dogs for a walk.


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:

Hiking With Dogs



Come link up your Wordless Wednesday
(with or without words) or any picture post
at this Picture Perfect Party Linky.
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  • Link up any family-friendly post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like.
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Amanda’s Books and More


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  1. Biscuit and Koda are such good boys! 😍

  2. Aww! how cute I like the way they obey, Prince looks like he doesn't care heheh!

    Have a tamedtastic week 👍

  3. I'm pretty sure I said this last week but you live in a great spot with beautiful scenery!

  4. Such good and beautiful pets. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  5. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments! I always read them and appreciate them.

  6. What a scenic location. Prince is brave!


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