Sting Magic
My Review:
Sting Magic is the first book in the Empire of War & Wings series by Sarah K.L. Wilson. It's a page-turner of a story! What would you do if you became the property of the empire because of your magic and everyone you love is at risk of death based on your conduct? That's what happens to Aella, a girl taken from the Far Reach where the people are tough, living free and proud. Not only does she need to learn how to be obedient, but she also has to learn how to control her aberrant magic. It's supposed to manifest as a bird but hers is an angry swarm of bees! Will she bend or break and what about her loved ones? How can she possibly keep them safe?
I love the magic system! It's so unique! Aella's bees are super cool and Osprey's Os is too. I loved getting to know Osprey and meeting Ivo toward the end. Aella, on the other hand, is hotheaded and not always an easy character to like. When she is given good advice, she stubbornly doesn't take it until she absolutely has to. She even acts like she doesn't know something when she does. It ends on a cliffhanger! I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Here's a quote from the book:
The truth is the only power there is. It's the only way to ever be free.
Hive Magic
My Review:
Hive Magic is the second book in the Empire of War & Wings series by Sarah K.L. Wilson. It's a page-turner of a story with a unique magic system and colorful characters. The violence is hectic.
Aella has become the property of Le Majest, the twisted prince, with her bee magic. She witnesses uncountable horrors and wants to fight back, but at what cost? One girl and her bees don't stand a chance against the evil empire. Osprey wants her to fight back, but he wants her to be smart about it. Things only get more tangled after the prince's magic manifests.
Aella is still sometimes hotheaded and difficult in Hive Magic, but she also experiences some character growth. She also learns more about her bee magic as it grows stronger. This was a wild ride with some crazy twists and turns. It ends on another cliffhanger. I definitely want to know what happens next!
Here's a quote from the book (Osprey is speaking):
"It's the air we breathe and the song we sing and nothing's ever going to stop us. They can come at us. They can carve us up and spit us out and we'll still be singing our freedom song."
Wing Magic
My Review:
Wing Magic is Book 3 in the Empire of War & Wings by Sarah K.L. Wilson. Things heat up as the rebellion escalates. The Forbidding reveals some of its secrets, which are just as twisted as it is. Aella experiences character growth as she meets one challenge after another. Will Zayana as well?
Aella is on the run from Le Majest and Osprey is in hot pursuit. She can't deny her feelings for Osprey, but he is bound by magic to return her to her cruel owner. She hopes to find an imprisoned general to rally the freedom fighters against the Empire. Her friend Zayana is not convinced that resistance is worth the price. Will Zayana choose to be a freedom fighter willingly? Will Aella find the general in time or will Osprey get to her first?
Here's a quote from the book (Aella is speaking):
"I'd rather fight for freedom - even if I lose - then die with their boot on my neck."
More Books by Sarah K.L. Wilson:
Tangled Fae Series:
The Dragon Tide Series:
The Dragon Chameleon Series:
The Complete Dragon School Series:
Other Books by Sarah Wilson:
About the Author:
Sarah K. L. Wilson

USA Today bestselling author, Sarah K. L. Wilson, hails from the rocky Canadian Shield in Northern Ontario where she lives with her husband and two small boys. Her interests include the outdoors, history, and philosophy. Her books are always about fantastical adventures in other worlds.
Sarah K.L. Wilson: Website
Disclosure: I received an ARC for each book. These are my honest and voluntary reviews.