Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quarantine Life and a Linky

These last few weeks I've been sharing photos of what our days are like in quarantine. South Africa has been on lockdown just over a month. We're not even allowed to take our dogs for a walk. We've been blessed to have a big house with WiFi, a beautiful garden, and a lovely pool. It's been a little too cool for swimming, as we're in Autumn now, but it's still a nice place to hang out with the dogs. How has quarantine life been treating you?


And after


Sisters hanging the washing

Amanda and Samantha


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:

Hamilton and Russell Vineyards




My Latest Book Posts:

My Alien Engagement

Fabulous eBook giveaway!
Reign & Ruin
by J.D. Evans on Instagram!

#BRIAEpicGiveaway time: For a remarkable romantic fantasy that excellently combines passionate romance, impossible love, intense feeling, wondrous magic and skillful court intrigue. . Reign and Ruin (Mages of The Wheel #1) by J.D. Evans - ebook . To win a free copy, here’s what you have to do: 1. Like this post 2. Follow the author @jdevansbooks, the host @tinarobmorley, and the organizers: @magicbookcorner and @catrinrussellauthor 3. Tag a bookish friend and 4. Optional (for an extra entry) answer this question: Which is your favourite Fantasy series? . Each comment counts as an entry. Shares in stories and reposts are counted as triple entries. Be sure to tag the host when sharing. . 2 WINNERS WILL BE SELECTED 1 lucky winner randomly chosen As well as the person with the highest number of entries – to them a guaranteed copy. . This giveaway is not associated with Instagram. It is international and open for 3 days. The ebooks will be sent to the lucky winners by the author herself. May the odds be in your favour! . #ReignandRuin #MagesofTheWheel #JDEvans #BRIAEpicGiveaway #fantasybooks #romancebooks #bookstagram #bookgiveaway #bookgiveaways #readersofinstagram #bookish #booklover #indiebook #bibliophile #bookworm #lovebooks #giveaway2020 #bookgiveaway2020 #freebooks #freebies #bookstagrammer #igreads #booknerd #bookblogger #books #book #bookaddict #ebookgiveaway #ebooks
A post shared by Tina Morley (@tinarobmorley) on


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