Amanda became one of the school's prefects this year and her big sisters, Jessica and Samantha, are both back at university. A school year in South Africa falls in a calendar year, and the summer break is from December to January. With the pandemic, the schools and universities are starting later than usual.
I need to explain what a prefect is since it's not a term used everywhere. In fact, spellcheck thinks I have made a mistake. Prefects are chosen by their peers and teachers. They are mini leaders who represent the school and assist the teachers and their fellow pupils. Amanda has already been working hard as a hall and recess monitor, among other tasks. She has even been given charge of a class a couple of times when a teacher was absent for that period, once it was her own class and another time a class of younger kids. She is expected to maintain discipline and to be a good role model. Thankfully, she's well-liked so the kids haven't given her a hard time.
Jessica is in res in Cape Town and a student at the University of Cape Town. Samantha is in res in Stellenbosch and attends the Stellenbosch University. Our son is working as a shift leader at an IT company in Durbanville Hills, outside of Cape Town. We are proud of all four of our kids!
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