Friday, August 29, 2014

Home Decor 1 and #Weekend #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop -Make My Saturday Sweet #96! My Living and DiningRoom Decor - Part 1 Everyone has different tastes when it comes to decorating their homes. Our decor evolved over time. When we moved into our current home six years ago, we didn't have a plan on how we were going to make it beautiful. This home had pale yellow walls and red bricks. I had one large batik from Kenya, which my husband framed himself after we moved in and hung it in the dining room. It had the same color schemes as the home. We took our cue...
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Prince of Malorn

Prince of Malorn Third book in the Annals of Alasia by Annie Douglass Lima About the Book: One major obstacle stands between seventeen-year-old Prince Korram and the throne that is his birthright: Regent Rampus. Temporary ruler of Malorn, Rampus has no intention of giving up his position when the crown prince comes of age – or of allowing the prince to live long enough to reach that age. Desperate to build an army of his own to stand against the regent, Korram treks into the Impassable Mountains to try to recruit...
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Photos with a #WW #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #105! Pictures from this past week: Sheela, Amanda's cat, is the cutest sleeper. Jessica dresses up to stay home and bake oatmeal cookies. Amanda can touch her toes to her nose. Amanda went to the Dinosaur Museum in Cape Town with her class, so this week has been all about dinosaurs. *************************** Wine tasting in the Breedekloof wine valley on 1camera1mom. *************************** Now on to my blog hop... Come link up your Wordless...
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Friday, August 22, 2014

A Poem and #Weekend #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #95! I have a poetry blog that sits quietly on the web. If you like poems, you can visit the link and read more on Consider the Lilies Poetry. Our lives are like stories acted out in a play Yet at times those stories get jumbled in some way Maybe we read the wrong script or misread how it goes And then find ourselves caught in the middle of life’s throws To him that overcomes is victory living Our strength comes from God and He keeps on giving No man can...
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Copy-Cats and #WW #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #104! Copy-Cats *************************** Our latest outing on 1camera1mom... *************************** Now on to my blog hop... Come link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky. Join me on this fun and easy blog hop! If you host your own blog hop(s), then feel free to link them on my Blog Hops page! I would love for you to follow me on Google+ Pinterest  Twitter  Facebook  and ...
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Friday, August 15, 2014

Free Stock Photos and My #Weekend #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #94! Source: RGB Stockmi40mFw.jpgby Jacub Krechowicz   When I first began blogging, I hardly ever used my own photos. I was usually writing on topics where I needed images that I didn't have. I would spend frustrating hours looking on the internet for free stock photos that didn't include a watermark unless you purchased it. Eventually I found a source that didn't let me down... RGB Stock. Today I'm sharing one of my mini series from a blog of mine where I used RGB...
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Thursday, August 14, 2014

The King's Ransom and $50 Giveaway

Young Knights of the Round Table: The King's Ransom Book Blast & $50 Giveaway! About the Book Title: Young Knights of the Round Table: The King's Ransom | Author: Cheryl Carpinello | Year published: April 17, 2013 | Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing | Number of pages: 120 | Recommended age: 9+ Summary: Three Friends. Three Quests. Three Mysterious Predictions. At Pembroke Castle in medieval Wales, 11-year-old Prince Gavin, 13-year-old orphan Philip, and 15-year-old blacksmith's apprentice Bryan, brought together in friendship...
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