Wednesday, July 27, 2016

3 Sisters and Flowers with #Linky

Welcome to my Picture PerfectParty Linky #201! You might recognize some of today's photos. I chose to share them because I'm doing a short series of photos on the Hex River Valley on my travel blog, 1camera1mom, and these photos were taken on that outing. By the way, my comment system glitched on last weekend's blog hop and comments on that post were lost, but I did receive them in my inbox and I did read them. Thanks to all who take the time to comment! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the photos to see them at their...
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Friday, July 22, 2016

21st Anniversary with Weekend #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #182! I'm sorry that I missed posting my weekend linky party last Friday. I'm also behind on answering comments, but I have been reading them and really appreciate them. We had a full house last weekend with my son visiting from university and my mother-in-law also staying over. Our kids are all back at school and university. The break they had was their winter break and now they have begun term 3. In winter, we get some sunny days and the other days are cold and rainy....
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Blue Skies and White Clouds with #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #200! I'm excited to see that today is my 200th linky party! I've been slow to respond to the comments on my blog, and I missed hosting my weekend linky last Friday, but I have been reading your comments and I do hope to catch up soon with my replies. What have you been photographing lately? Be sure to link up your family friendly photo post below! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the photos to see them at their best! View from our balcony White Clouds, Blue...
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Jessica at MAC Cosmetics with #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #199! Jessica turned 18 last month during her midterm high school exams. It was a stressful time for her, so she didn't want to go out and do anything. At the end of her exams she organized two days in Cape Town with her closest friends. They went ice-skating, to the movies and more! Then last week my mother-in-law took her for a belated birthday outing to Cape Town where she made an appointment for her at MAC Cosmetics to learn how to apply make-up and the right make-up for her complexion....
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Friday, July 8, 2016

Adopting an Adult Dog - Part 5

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #181! When we got Koda, he was a bit underweight. The people at the animal shelter where we adopted him were not too concerned. They have an on-sight vet who did Koda's sterilization, but since the shelter isn't close to us, we took him to a vet in our town to have his stitches removed. Our vet estimated that he's about 5 kilos underweight and suggested that we give Koda puppy food to help him bulk up. She said that we only needed one large bag to do the trick. Since Koda...
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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Adopting an Adult Dog - Part 4

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #198! Koda meets Prince We have had Koda, our German Shepherd from the animal shelter, for 10 days now. We have been really happy with our decision to adopt an adult dog. I've listed 5 benefits that have been true for us when adopting an adult pet on Adopting an Adult Dog - Part 3. He's really been a great dog and he's settling into our home nicely. Our only challenge has been introducing him to our 2 adult cats. We are working on it and have made a bit of progress, but it will take...
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