Monday, July 31, 2017

Bessie, Queen of the Sky has arrived!

Bessie, Queen of the Sky First Book in the Queen Girls Series Amanda and I received a free digital copy of Bessie, Queen of the Sky, at the end of last year, before the book was out in print. We were promised a physical print copy once it was published. Recently, we collected a package at the post office and were delighted to discover that the book has finally arrived! Here are two photos of Amanda with her new book. I'm also including our original review below. Queen Girls Stories of real women turned into fairy tales....
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Friday, July 28, 2017

Horrors of Shark Finning and a Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #231! Our family is very interested in protecting the environment. We are also interested in the fair treatment of animals. Amanda and I have had the honor of reviewing books along these topics. One topic that Amanda and I recently covered was on shark finning. She learned about it for the first time in The Shark and the Volcano. I get excited when I see authors reaching young readers by using fun stories to touch on important topics. Shark finning is a horrific industry...
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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sweet T and the Turtle Team

Sweet T and the Turtle Team Blog Tour and a $75 Giveaway! About the Book Title: Sweet T and the Turtle Team | Author: Cat Michaels | Illustrator: Irene A. Jahns | Publication Date: July 2017 | Publisher: 2101 Ink | Genre: Early Chapter Book | Number of Pages: 72 | Recommended Ages: 6 to 11 Summary: It’s nesting season for loggerhead sea turtles on North Carolina's Gull Island. Nine-year old Tara (or Sweet T as her family sometimes calls her) is determined to see hatchlings make it safely from their nests to their ocean...
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

22nd Anniversary and a Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #252! Last Saturday, Robbie and I celebrated our 22nd anniversary on the 22nd of July! We started with a "champagne" breakfast, which consisted of a low alcohol fizzy wine, fresh fruit salad, and toast with fried eggs and homemade cheese sauce. Two of our girls (Samantha and Amanda) are still at school and enjoyed the breakfast with us. Our other two kids (Jeremiah and Jessica) are at university. We did, however, see Jessica later that day when we met up at a 5 star boutique hotel near...
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Friday, July 21, 2017

Books and a Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #230! I have a family of readers. I fell in love with reading around the fifth grade and I encouraged my kids to love books from when they were babies. They began with tactile fabric books that could be squeezed and chewed on. Then they had board books until they were big enough to look after books with paper pages. I've also given many books away. A couple of years ago, Amanda and I gave a bunch of her younger aged books to her old Kindergarten class where there was a reading...
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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Window of Death

Window of Death (Book 2 in the Window of Death Trilogy) by D.J. Erfert About the Book: Title: Window of Death (Book 2) | Author: D.J. Erfert | Publication: Stone Horse Press | Pages: 278 | Genre: Paranormal Suspense | Age Level: Young Adult Book Description: CIA Agent Lucy James’s undercover reentry into the US doesn’t go as planned. The human coyote smuggling her and more than a dozen illegal aliens across the southern border into Arizona abandons them. Their group scatters. But Lucy is soon rescued by two US Border Patrol agents....
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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Impala Lilies and a Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #251! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the photos to see them at their best! Impala Lilies and a Sunset at Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Kruger National Park - Part 2 Hornbill at Mopani Camp Pioneer Dam, Kruger ********************* My Latest Book Review: Do your kids hate eating their vegetables? They will love their veggies after reading Planet...
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