Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Picnic at the Botanical Garden and a Linky

I'm continuing my series on the Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden, South Africa. Last weekend we had a picnic there with Thanksgiving leftovers in the form of turkey sandwiches. Our 2 adult kids weren't with us, so it was just the 4 of us. I got some action shots too. I included 2 pics of our Thanksgiving dinner at home. My mom brought the Thanksgiving decorations over from the States last Christmas. Samantha and Amanda pointed out that it felt like a birthday party with the paper tablecloth and paper plates, etc. We have...
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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Botanical Garden and Tortoise with a Linky

A couple of weeks ago, I began a new series. The first post was called Botanical Garden and Home. We live in South Africa where the seasons are opposite to those in the Northern Hemisphere. At the beginning of our spring, the flowers were all in bloom, but with summer nearing, most of the vibrant colors are already gone. I'm glad I got to take pics when I did! Enjoy! *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: The Moon Under Water Pics from our trip to...
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Monday, November 19, 2018

Indie Fantasy Addicts Holiday Reading Challenge

Indie Fantasy Addicts Holiday Reading Challenge November 19 – January 1 Indie Fantasy Addicts is a Facebook group of over 800 members. I participated in their summer reading challenge and had a blast. Anyone is welcome to join and the prizes are fabulous. The best part is that everyone who participates receives free eBooks! Tell Me More! Because you guys just rocked the last one with 800 books, we’re going to do this again—only a little differently. It’s a mini holiday challenge that will last from Nov. 19 - Jan. 1. Just...
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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Match Me by Christmas and Never Say Match with a Linky

Match Me by Christmas By Lindzee Armstrong My Review: This is a wonderful sweet romance that is perfect for the holidays or any time of the year! Lindzee Armstrong delivers compelling characters and situations. Natalie is on an 8 day cruise to write an article about the matchmaking singles tour. She's a skeptic that people can fall in love in such a short amount of time. She crashes into Shawn who turns out to be the coordinator of the event on board and who has been working for the cruise ship for the past 10 years. She's...
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