Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Vibrant Sunrise and a Linky

I took these photos of a vibrant sunrise from our balcony a while back. I'm including a full moon pic that I took at the end of January, which I originally shared on Instagram. My camera is a compact Canon PowerShot. It has a 40x optical zoom and it's a powerful little camera. *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Cape Quarter in Cape Town A Lifestyle Shopping Experience ********************* My Latest Book Posts: Saved by the Billionaire I also have a weekly...
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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Saved by the Billionaire

Saved by the Billionaire(Rich and Famous Romance Book 3)by Michelle Pennington Book Description: Protecting her got complicated. “Just remember I’ll come to you. That’s a promise.” Kara had always loved her best friend's older brother, but Warren was an unattainable dream. She tried to move on, marrying a man she thought was the next best thing. She was wrong. Frightened by her ex-husband’s “business” dealings, she kept her pregnancy a secret and hid. But some secrets are impossible to keep. Desperate to protect her son, she remembered...
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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Weekend and a Linky

We had all four kids with us this Easter weekend. Everyone had Friday and Monday off, so we made the most of it. We went through to my in-laws at the beach and had a wonderful time. Sometimes it was cold enough to sit inside by the fireplace, but other times the sun was shining. If you've been enjoying my sunrise and sunset photos, then you'll be blown away by the stunning sunset we saw at my in-laws'! I'll be sharing those photos later and probably on 1camera1mom instead of here, but I'll definitely include a peek on this blog as...
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Friday, April 19, 2019

What to Do When You're Feeling Blue

What to Do When You're Feeling Blue by Andi Cann About the Book: Title: What to Do When You're Feeling Blue | Author: Andi Cann | Pages: 35 | Genre: Picture Book Book Description: Sometimes kids are happy. Sometimes they are sad. Kids learn in this book that it’s okay, either way! Your child will learn that sadness happens. Meant to be loved and enjoyed, again and again, this book with colorful pictures and rhymes will help children learn that all feelings are okay and offer ideas about coping with sadness. Children...
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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bike Riding and Guineafowl with a Linky

All of today's photos are of guineafowl on our property and Amanda and Hubby riding bikes just outside our house with our shelter dog, Koda. *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Road Trip and Cherry Lane ********************* My Latest Book Posts: Good Writing is Like Good Sex Should I Go to College? ********************* *** If you want to comment or join the linky, then please make sure this page's permalink loads as http...
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