Friday, October 30, 2020

Ghosted: A Short Story

Book Description:Ghosts thrive on fear, but Maisie just isn't delivering. In fact, Lazarus isn't even sure she realizes she's being haunted.When expert haunter, Lazarus Bently, receives a cry for help from a fellow ghost, he rushes to the chaotic cottage of eccentric artist Maisie. If Ghost HQ finds out Lazarus couldn't get a rise out of this little old lady, he'll never live it down.With his professional pride on the line, can Lazarus get through to this unshakable woman? Or will this unbeaten scarer be the one quaking in his boots? FREE...
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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Spectacular Sunset Part 1 and a Linky

A few days ago, I grabbed my Canon PowerShot before heading out for an evening walk in the veld (grassland) with the dogs. I captured this spectacular sunset and will be sharing it in two parts. This is Part 1. No filters were added. These pics are straight from the camera.*************************** Jessica's latest YouTube video is live! Please send her some love by liking, commenting, sharing, and/or subscribing. Thank you! *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Wine Tasting and Cheese Platter...
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Friday, October 16, 2020

Empire of War & Wings Books 1-3

Sting MagicMy Review:Sting Magic is the first book in the Empire of War & Wings series by Sarah K.L. Wilson. It's a page-turner of a story! What would you do if you became the property of the empire because of your magic and everyone you love is at risk of death based on your conduct? That's what happens to Aella, a girl taken from the Far Reach where the people are tough, living free and proud. Not only does she need to learn how to be obedient, but she also has to learn how to control her aberrant magic. It's supposed to manifest...
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Samantha's 20th Birthday and a Linky

Last Friday was our daughter Samantha's 20th Birthday. We are so blessed to have her in our lives. Jessica made the vanilla and custard cake for her sister. It was really good and the strawberries too. The front of the birthday card says, "She was authentic, she was herself." This is very true of her.The wine is called The Rose Garden and is a 2019 Rosé from Boschendal, which is one of the oldest wine estates in South Africa with over 300 years of rich history. The drinking age in South Africa is 18, in case you were wondering. We haven't...
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