Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Pets and Spring Flowers with Linky

Everyone seemed to enjoy last week's photos of Koda, Biscuit, and Prince. Thanks for all the sweet comments! Our spring is starting early and the flowers are popping up everywhere. It's hard to imagine that we had snow on the mountains over the weekend.In the one photo, you'll see all three pets walking in a line on the edge of the road. Koda likes it when Prince tags along. Biscuit doesn't show any interest, but that's because she knows she'll get into trouble if she goes for the cat.*************************** Here's a peek at my...
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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Pets and Linky

Biscuit and Koda were told to sit and stay. What are they looking at so intently? It's a big temptation, but Prince is willing to take the risk. The dogs chase cats and they will go for ours, so we keep a close eye on them. That doesn't stop Prince from hanging out with us near the home when we take the dogs for a walk.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Hiking With Dogs ***************************A Voice That Thunders View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tina Morley...
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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

View from My Home and a Linky

Today I'm sharing photos of the view from my home. I'm not sure when I took them, but the billowy white clouds were especially beautiful against the blue sky on that day.The swimming pool is in our backyard. It's wintertime, so no one is using it, except for our rescue dog, Biscuit. She sometimes takes a little dip to cool off. Winters aren't that cold here, although we do sometimes get snow on the mountains. My husband is the one who keeps the pool looking so nice.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: On...
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Mousebirds and a Linky

I recently shared photos of the mousebirds that visit our garden. If you missed that post, you can find it here. I've got some new photos of the mousebirds to share with you today. If you look closely, you can see their little blue faces and red feet. The last pic is of July's full moon. *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Cherry Lane Coffee House ***************************Ashes on Earth View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tina Morley (@tinarobmorley) *************************** Come...
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