Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Celebrating Thanksgiving in South Africa and a Linky

I was telling people that we wouldn't be doing any special cooking for Thanksgiving this year, but my daughter Samantha had other ideas. Hubby bought a roast chicken to save on effort. Samantha baked Hasselback potatoes, roasted a pre-marinaded pork belly, roasted veggies including butternut and sweet peppers, and I made coleslaw and boiled the sweetcorn. Samantha and Amanda made dessert. It was a peach cobbler with custard. Everything was delicious and eating the leftovers made the time spent in the kitchen worth it!We had all...
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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Sunrise and Sunset with a Linky

 I'm glad you've been enjoying my sunrise photos! Thank you to everyone who leaves a comment. I do appreciate reading them. Today I have pics of a recent sunrise and a recent sunset.Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! We won't be cooking up a big meal, but all my daughters will be home and that's a treat in itself.Are you interested to see the little church where Robbie and I got married? I only have two photos from the outside. We drove by it to show our girls on our Road Trip to Stellenbosch.*************************** Here's...
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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Yesterday's Sunrise and a Linky

 Yesterday's sunrise was so pretty with all the pastel colors and dramatic contrasts of dark and light. These photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot. This morning I captured a pigeon in flight directly above the sunrise using the camera on my Samsung phone. You can check it out on Instagram.Thank you to those who leave comments each week! I read them all and really appreciate them.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Lunch in Franschhoek *************************** Come link up your...
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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Recent Sunrise and a Linky

These photos are of a recent sunrise taken from my balcony before 6 am. We don't have Daylight Saving Time in South Africa. But we do have electricity saving time called 'loadshedding' when our country's power provider cuts the power. At the moment, we are getting two to three power cuts a day and they usually last two-and-a-half hours each time. That's also why I'm posting this blog hop a bit later than normal.*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Road Trip to Franschhoek ***************************Come...
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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Halloween in South Africa and a Linky

Samantha created this digital art piece on Halloween. She drew it freehand. She's so creative!Who celebrated Halloween? We usually mark the day by eating American candy, but otherwise, it's pretty quiet. Our main candy was M&Ms. We only eat them about once a year. They're a bit pricy in South Africa. We started watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine on Netflix and it just so happened the next one in the queue on the day of Halloween was the Halloween episode! We didn't even know there was a Halloween episode.All three girls are home this week...
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