Tuesday, January 25, 2022

3 Dramatic Sunrises and a Linky

These 3 dramatic sunrises were all taken from my balcony this past January. Right now we're in summer so I had to be up by 5:30 am to capture them. I didn't add any filters. They were really this colorful. I love the dark and light contrasts too. Wishing you a lovely week!*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Visiting Velddrif - Part 2***************************Sunday's Billowy White Clouds View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tina Morley (@tinarobmorley) *************************** Come...
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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Farewell Celebration and a Linky

Tears were shed this morning as we said our goodbyes to Samantha. She left with her dad to the Cape Town airport. Instead of driving off into the sunset like in the movies, they drove off with a beautiful sunrise greeting them. Samantha wanted a sushi cake the day before she left, so we turned it into a farewell celebration with sparkling wine.I loved having all three girls at home during the Christmas holiday! We also got to see Jeremiah twice for a short time.Samantha is flying to Holland to au pair for a year after recently graduating...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Eating During the Holiday

We spent Christmas and New Year with my in-laws on South Africa's West Coast. My mother-in-law does most of the cooking and baking. Her kitchen is her domain. We contributed in a small way by bringing home dinner twice, meat pies the one time (see photo above) and fish and chips the other. You can see a photo of our fish and chips on 1camera1mom. I'll do a future blog post on where we went for the pies.I'll list the meals below: Spinach pieBuffalo wingsOrange fennel chickenSoupCouscous saladBraai (BBQ) with boerewors (farmer's...
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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Christmas at the Beach and a Linky

Our family spent the Christmas holidays with Hubby's parents on South Africa's West Coast. It was so nice having all the kids together. My mother-in-law loves cooking and baking and you can see some of her handiwork below. Can you spot the Christmas tree?*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Lighthouse at Shelley Point ***************************All Together on Christmas Eve! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tina Morley (@tinarobmorley) *************************** Come...
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