Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Our Apartment in Vienna and a Linky

My mom and stepdad rented an apartment in Vienna for the month of July. The first photo is of the apartment building. We were on the top floor. I also included two photos of the street outside and another little sidestreet. The last two photos were taken by Amanda. She took a photo of her dad in our bedroom and me in the dining room. You can see her reflection in the mirror.I tried sharing a short video on Instagram of the church bells outside our bedroom window but Instagram kept flipping the video on its head. If you want to see it,...
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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Visiting the Cemetery in Vienna and a Linky

In English: In gratitude for our deceased friends and patrons...Samantha and AmandaIn the background: my brother and my momWe just got back from a small family reunion with relatives on the von Schwarzbek side of the family in Vienna, Austria. The event was to lay my Opa's ashes to rest in the family plot at the Hietzing Cemetery. If you're familiar with the famous painter, Gustav Klimt, he's also buried there, among other people of note. We have a permanent plot there with the first family members dating back to the 1800s. The words...
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