Friday, November 25, 2022

My Epic Romantic Fantasy is on Sale!

I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a great one! It was a regular day in South Africa. I was teaching English and Amanda was writing an Economics Management Science exam. It's the end of her Grade 8 year and exam time. I decided to keep things simple by choosing American-themed food instead of traditional Thanksgiving fare. My husband pitched in and his help allowed for the day to go smoothly. We began with blueberry pancakes. For lunch, we had BLT sandwiches, and for dinner KFC. Overall, it was a good day.🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄Everyone...
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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A Superhero for Christmas

Marvel hero action collides with Hallmark Holiday goodness in this new superhero romantic comedy by Award-Winning author H.L Burke. Launches November 5th, 2022!A Superhero for ChristmasWhen superhero, Glint's, aka Henry Nichols's, powers go on the fritz after a supervillain attack, he finds himself rethinking his priorities. Years of devotion to public service have left him with little for himself, and with forty swiftly approaching, he finds himself longing for his youth on his grandfather's farm. An incognito vacation is just what...
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