Welcome to my weekend blog hop -
Make My Saturday Sweet #231!
Our family is very interested in protecting the environment. We are also interested in the fair treatment of animals. Amanda and I have had the honor of reviewing books along these topics. One topic that Amanda and I recently covered was on shark finning. She learned about it for the first time in The Shark and the Volcano. I get excited when I see authors reaching young readers by using fun stories to touch on important topics.
Shark finning is a horrific industry with around 73 million sharks being slaughtered a year. Their fins are often removed while the sharks are still alive! Amanda and I learned in our book review that people are willing to pay $150 for a bowl of shark fin soup! Watch the short video and visit the links to find out more. Our book review is also below.
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The Shark and the Volcano
Our Review:
The Green Kids are on another adventure in The Shark and the Volcano. This one takes them to the waters of the Hawaiian Islands where they find out about the plight of sharks due to finning and their capture. Finning was a new word for Amanda. I had learned about the awful practice over a year ago and explained it to her. There is also an explanation at the back of the book. Amanda was surprised to read that people are willing to pay $150 for a bowl of shark fin soup! She also read other facts about sharks at the end of the book and was impressed to learn that sharks can have up to 3,000 teeth at one time!
In the story, the Green Kids ride dolphins and they meet a mystical warrior princess of the seas. Together they stop a group of fishermen from taking the fins from sharks. The princess tells the fishermen that what they are doing is wrong and that sharks are endangered. The princess warns them that if they don't stop, they will experience the wrath of the volcano.
Amanda and I enjoy the Green Kids Club picture book series. Not only are the stories fun, but there are neat things to be learned. We also care about animals and the environment. Let's make our kids, Green Kids!
Disclosure: We received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
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Our Latest Book Review:
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