These are my agapanthus flowers (Lily of the Nile) and our cats.
Here's a peek at
my latest post
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:
Farmstall and Country Roads
My Latest Book Posts:
Fate of Dragons and Windsworn
Follow Me on Instagram!
*** If you want to comment or join the linky, then please make sure this page's permalink loads as http and not https! Also, my blog is hosted by Blogger, which uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. And, it's best viewed in Google Chrome. ***

How to use the linky widget:
My Latest Book Posts:
Fate of Dragons and Windsworn
Follow Me on Instagram!
*** If you want to comment or join the linky, then please make sure this page's permalink loads as http and not https! Also, my blog is hosted by Blogger, which uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. And, it's best viewed in Google Chrome. ***
Now on to my blog hop...

Come link up your Wordless Wednesday
(with or without words) or any picture post
at this Picture Perfect Party Linky.
Join me on this fun and easy blog hop!
I would love for you to follow me on
Here are the easy rules:
- Follow me on one or more links above or via email.
- Link-up any family friendly post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like.
- If possible, copy the button code below and add it on your linked post or blog's side-bar.
- Tell others about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
The Button Code:
This is a weekly Wordless Wednesday blog hop.
Please load page as http and not https.
Please load page as http and not https.
How to use the linky widget:
First make sure that you load this page as http and not https if you want to see the linky. Type in the name of your blog post under Link Title, then type in your email under Email Address (which I don't sell to anyone), then copy your permalink to your post (most link parties ask for blog posts and not blog homepages) and paste that under URL (make sure that you use http:// or https:// only once), then click Submit Link and that's it! This is a weekly linky party, so make sure you're visiting the latest one.