Friday, March 29, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #30

How to Turn Brown Eggs White There are only brown eggs sold in South Africa. I'm glad about keeping things natural, but I wanted to have white eggs for Amanda to color her first American style Easter eggs. I found out on Wiki that you can boil brown eggs in vinegar to turn them white. Add vinegar to fill a medium size pot half full. Don't fill the pot, because the foam that comes off of the brown eggs rises quite high. Boil the eggs gently for about 15 minutes. Check to see if they are ready. When they are ready, the eggs...
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #33

Welcome to another fabulous Wordless Wednesday! All my photos can be viewed larger by clicking on them. On Monday, I answered 10 questions about me over at Brooke's blog, Covered in Grace. Make sure you check it out! Amanda sleeping with her kitten, Sheela Amanda sleeping with her kitten, SheelaBlack and White Amanda sleeping with her kitten, Sheela Amanda resting with the kittens, Sheela and Prince Linking with: Now on to my blog hop... Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or...
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Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Meet Up - Guest Post

I'm so excited to be introducing you to Brooke from Covered in Grace.I've answered 10 questions over on her blog and she's done the same here.I'm Co-Hosting her fabulous Monday Meet Up, so go check her out! Hello new friends!! I'm so excited to be here with Tina today and to get the opportunity to meet you all.My name is Brooke, and I blog over at Covered in Grace. There, I write about life as a mother, student, military wife, photog wannabe, writer and Jesus lover. For those of you that don't know me yet, I thought I'd answer a few...
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Friday, March 22, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #29

Today I’m participating in Janine’s “Finish the Sentence Friday” writing prompt, so sit back and enjoy a good read! One time when I was bored out of my mind, I… picked up the novel, Die unendliche Geschichte (The Neverending Story), by Michael Ende, from off of my grandparents’ bookshelf. I was a child living in Germany and visiting my grandparents (my Oma and Opa). In those days there weren’t too many programs on TV and very few were geared towards children. Sometimes the weather was too bad to roam outside. I also didn’t...
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #32

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Welcome to another fantastic Picture Perfect Party Linky!Come join the fun as the party is going strong. My pictures today are of the Guineafowl that walkthrough our garden every day and the blue Agapanthusaround my fountain. Linking with: Now on to my blog hop... Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words)or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky (P.P.P.L.)! Come join me(Tina @ Amanda's Books and More) on this fun and easy blog hop! If you...
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Saturday, March 16, 2013

After School Lunch Idea

Hi Guys! This after school lunch idea was inspired by Pinterest from School Bites on their Healthy Lunch Board. All kids need to eat healthy and to live a healthy lifestyle. If left to themselves, they will make the wrong choices. Also, parents should not be afraid to say, "No" to their kids when they want sweets or treats (including chips). And believe me, the kids will test you. All my children eat fruits and veggies often quite happily, because it's a regular part of every lunch and dinner. Usually we have fruits at lunch and for...
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #31

An Update on Our KittensI took these first photos of Samantha's kitten, Prince, just before he went missing. At the time of his adoption, we were told by the SPCA that he was a female feline and so our daughter had originally given him a different name. We all missed him terribly. If he hadn't gone missing, then we would never have considered adding another kitten to our family. It just so happened, that when we did our rounds at the Vets to put our missing kitten pictures up, that we were told about a lady who was looking for good homes...
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