I'm so excited to be introducing you to Brooke from Covered in Grace.
I've answered 10 questions over on her blog and she's done the same here.
I'm Co-Hosting her fabulous Monday Meet Up, so go check her out!
Hello new friends!!
I'm so excited to be here with Tina today and to get the opportunity to meet you all.
I'm so excited to be here with Tina today and to get the opportunity to meet you all.
My name is Brooke, and I blog over at Covered in Grace.
There, I write about life as a mother, student, military wife,
photog wannabe, writer and Jesus lover.
There, I write about life as a mother, student, military wife,
photog wannabe, writer and Jesus lover.
For those of you that don't know me yet,
I thought I'd answer a few questions about myself
so ya'll could get to know me a little better.
I thought I'd answer a few questions about myself
so ya'll could get to know me a little better.
1. How did you come up with the title of your blog?
Covered in Grace was something that had been rolling around in my head for a while. I had been blogging at My Beautiful Brooke for a long time, and while I was ok with the title, "beautiful" because HE sees me, it still wasn't sitting well with me-not completely. Covered in Grace encompasses what I believe, how I live, and pretty sums it all up. I am Covered in Grace through faith in Jesus.
2. If there was one blog post that you'd direct your readers to, what would that be?
Oh man, I'd direct you to any of my faith posts... but for today, I'd ask you to read A Letter to My Teenaged Self. It covers so many aspects of my writing: faith, nostalgia, creative writing... It pulls at my heart strings, it speaks to my soul.
3. What is your go-to quick fix meal when you've spent too much time on Pinterest/Your Blog been very, very busy?
Ha! Pancakes? Biscuits with eggs? Anything breakfast!
4. What is something you're looking forward to this coming summer?
VEGAS!! Yaaah! I can't believe that I'm actually typing that. But I am! My husband and I won a 5 day trip to Vegas a few months back. We're planning to go over the summer while the kiddos can stay with my sister. I can't wait!
5. Do you have any goofy talents or specialties?
Why, yes. Yes I do. I can make a siren sound by throat-chopping myself. It's very, very awesome. Perhaps you saw me in action? I posted a vlog on it: the I've Got Talent Vlog LinkUp! You'll definitely wan to check that out. There are some pretty amazing talents showcased there.
6. If you could be a character from any book through out the entire story, what book-what character?
Oh, that's easy. No question. I would be Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser...wife of Jamie Fraser. (oooh la la) She's the heroine in the best books ever....the Outlander series. If you haven't read these books, YOU MUST! These are the books I recommend over all others.
7. What is the best piece of blogging advice that you've ever received?
Be yourself. Write about what you want, feel, believe. And don't worry about the numbers.
To grow old with my husband. But after that...it's to become a published author...to just be a writer and have my words reach the masses.
9. What is your favorite Saturday morning like?
Waking up whenever, breakfast with the family, heading outside to enjoy nature-or driving around to get lost!
10. Why do you blog?
I blog to practice my craft. To use my gifts. To reflect on my spirituality and faith. I blog to glorify God. To share my favorite things. To network with others. To maintain daily writing habits. I blog because it has become a fantastic hobby...and because I love it.
I would love it if you'd stop by and visit me from time to time!
You can find me here:
Read the Easy Rules for this blog hop at Covered in Grace.