Friday, June 21, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #42

Today I'm linking with Finish the Sentence Friday If I could have dinner with anyone in history it would be with... the small missionary woman known as Gladys Aylward. I read a book about her life when I was a teenager. Gladys Aylward was born in England, worked as a parlormaid and dreamed of going to China. She did not qualify as a good candidate with the mission board, so she decided to save every little bit of money that she could to pay her own way. In the year of 1930, traveling from England to China was no easy task....
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

7 Essential Sites to Help Plan Your Disney World Vacation

Are you planning a trip to Disney World this summer holiday or in the near future? Our family is and that is why I have composed a list of 7 essential sites to help you plan yours. I chose these sites because of their quality information and well organized menu options, which will help you find what you’re looking for fast. Later, I’ll be posting a follow-up of our Disney World experience, including useful tips and favorite activities. This is a photo of Samantha enjoying a Character Breakfast at Christmas time 2002. 1. Easy...
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #45

On Father's Day, we went to the Cape Town, Waterfront. I usually post photos of our family and the region we live in on my photography blog. And, I've decided to do that again, so here's a preview of what you'll see when you visit 1camera1mom. This photo was taken by my husband, Robbie. I also uploaded a YouTube video to give you a taste of the atmosphere. I'll take next week off from blogging. That means there won't be a Picture Perfect Party Linky nor a Make My Saturday Sweet from June 25 - 29. Now on to my blog...
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #41

"The hardest part about my day is..." ...washing those dishes that can’t go in the dishwasher and organizing the papers that end up on the kitchen counter. I hate seeing things in a mess, but I would much rather be blogging. I never enjoyed cleaning. Ever. The kids have different chores and they keep the same jobs unless they decide to swap (with our permission). This means that there is less organizing happening from our side and less squabbling from theirs. Samantha, Jessica and Jeremiah in 2005 For several years,...
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #44

These two kittens are best friends. They also like visiting at bath time. Samantha took the third photo of the two snuggled together. Click on the images to make them bigger. Now on to my blog hop... Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky. Come join me on this fun and easy blog hop! If you host your own blog hop(s), then feel free to link them on my Blog Hops page! I would love for you to follow me...
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #40

Me, Amanda and our kitten, Prince Today I'm linking with Friendship Friday and the topic is "Games." My two favorite games are Canasta (a card game) and Scrabble (a board game). I usually do well in Canasta, but there's a really good chance that I'll lose at a game of Scrabble. At our home, we don't play enough family games. My mom and step-dad are planning to play games with us over the summer holiday when we visit them. When it comes to electronic games, my kids own a Nintendo DS Lite and a Playstation 2. I don't play on...
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

It’s My SITS Day!

It’s My SITS Day! I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time and it’s finally here! “Who are The SITS Girls?” you might ask. The SITS Girls are a community of over 40,000 members who support one another in various ways. We share stories, ideas and tips as well as visiting the featured blogger of the day and leaving a comment on both the SITS blog and the featured blogger’s blog. I prepared something extra special for this day. I’ve created a video of myself for the very first time! I couldn’t have done it without the...
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #43

It was my eldest daughter's birthday on Sunday. Jessica turned 15 years old. To celebrate, I'm posting a couple of my favorite photos of her and a Hip-Hop Dance that she recently performed with several YWAMers (Youth With a Mission volunteers). A professional photographer tookthis photo of Jessica in 2007. Jessica holding her baby sister, Amanda, in 2008. Jessica's dad took this photo of herone Christmas at the mall with hismobile phone.  Samantha and Jessica Jessica's grade 8 dance My grade 8 danceIt was...
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