Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #50

Today my Wordless Wednesday post is more wordless than it usually is. We got back from the States on Friday and I'm still recovering from the two days of flying. Here's photos of all of us at Disney's Animal Kingdom. I'll share more next week. Sorry for the small HTML glitch on the lay-out of my blog last week and sorry that I haven't been around my computer much to keep in touch. I'll try to catch up as soon as I can. Enjoy your W.W.! If you are planning to one day make a trip to Disney World, then you'll want to check out these 7 Essential...
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #49

Disney’s Hollywood Studios Last week I shared photos of our Disney World's Magic Kingdom experience. Our second day at Disney's theme parks was at Disney's Hollywood Studios. I got four good pictures of our day to show you. You can also link your Wordless Wednesday below.  We were very happy with the Kids’ Meals at the ABC Commissary, which is a counter service restaurant. It’s a healthier choice to many other places of its kind and it’s good value for money. All the Disney World theme parks offer lots of restaurant choices and...
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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Return to Cardamom Blog Tour

Welcome to the second day of a fantastic middle grade eBook blog tour! Return to Cardamom is also the second eBook in the Cardamom series. Read on to find out more! All the cardamom pods on Planet Cardamom are dead. Their stems are crying and the grandfather trees don’t know exactly what happened, except that a vibration disturbance was felt throughout the forest. Did Alexander222 and Caramel's Aunt Isabel sabotage the elves’ crops? And, if so, how could they move about undetected on an entire planet of mind-reading elves?...
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #48

We've been in Florida for the past few weeks, mostly visiting with our kids' grandparents. We also went to Disney World and had a great time. Here are pictures of our day at Magic Kingdom. My hubby took the first photo. I didn't take a lot of pictures, but we did a lot of things. The evening was a highlight with Cinderella's castle aglow with Disney scenes, awesome fireworks and Tinker Bell's flight. If you are planning to one day make a trip to Disney World, then you'll want to check out these 7 Essential Sites, which helped me plan...
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #47

As you may already know, I'm in Florida with my family this summer. We're visiting my mom, step-dad and grandmother. My dad and step-mom will also come out to Florida to visit us. They live in Hawaii, another beautiful part of the world. These pictures are just an introduction to more photos of Matanzas that I've posted on my photography blog, 1camera1mom. I've saved the best for over there, so you won't want to miss them. Amanda, always ready for the camera Robbie (my hubby), Lisa (my mom), Samantha, Jessica, Jeremiah and Ken (my...
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Friday, July 5, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #43

Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone from the U.S.A. enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July yesterday. It was Samantha's and Amanda's first time to experience it. Jeremiah and Jessica were so small when we celebrated our last one in 2000 that it was like a first for them too. We were with my mom, step-dad and grandmother in Palm Coast, Florida. I've got several pictures to share with you on how we celebrated this day. Also, my kids have been growing up in South Africa where they have something called Freedom Day on June 16, which is a day to...
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