Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #63

We've had a busy last couple of weeks. Samantha turned 13 and then about a week later had a big birthday party. With her birthday money, she bought herself an electric guitar. She's been taking guitar lessons for the last two years at school. We've been experiencing spring and my garden has begun to blossom. Some of the first flowers to make an appearance have been the irises and lilies. I never planted the lilies. They grow wild here as long as they have plenty of water. Amanda has been having fun with my watercolors. I still...
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #55

Welcome to my weekend blog hop! Here you get to link your favorite post of the week and share it with other bloggers. Just remember to visit the last two links before yours and leave a comment and make their Saturday sweet! Today I'm sharing some of my favorite Christmas photos. My own hop doesn't have a theme, so you are welcome to link your family friendly blog below. The theme on Friendship Friday is "Holiday Fun." Christmas 2010 withAmanda and Jessica What is my favorite holiday? That's a hard question!...
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #62

One of my favorite pastimes is getting out and going for a drive. Amanda is the same. In fact, she often instigates our outings. The one I'm sharing with you today was one of her ideas. We went for a beautiful drive, visiting wine estates and seeing what they had to offer in terms of natural beauty, good wines, farm stalls and more. We live in the wine country here in South Africa and South Africans produce really good wines. Click on the images to make them larger. Amanda at Aan De Doorns Amanda and me at Rooiberg Amanda and...
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Friday, October 18, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #54

Welcome to my weekend blog hop! Here you get to link your favorite post of the week and share it with other bloggers. Just remember to visit the last two links before yours and leave a comment and make their Saturday sweet! I'm also joining two great Friday hops and answering their word prompts for today. My own hop doesn't have a theme, so you are welcome to link your family friendly blog below. This week's sentence to finish on Finish the Sentence Friday begins with: The best part of my day is… …getting up early before...
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #61

Here's a sneak peek at what we've been up to recently. It included bumping into an Olympic gold-medalist and having our photo taken with him. I didn't want to pass up the opportunity and hubby offered to take the picture, so I could be in it. Here are a few hints: he's South African who trained in the U.S.A., he's a swimmer and he's handsome. To see the photo and find out more, visit my travel blog, 1camera1mom - A Morning at Val de Vie, Paarl. On our way to Val de Vie, Paarl This is my hubby and a few of the lovely homes at...
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Friday, October 11, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #53

Welcome to my weekend blog hop! Here you get to link your favorite post of the week and share it with other bloggers. Just remember to visit the last two links before yours and leave a comment and make their Saturday sweet! Today I'm joining Create With Joy on her Friendship Friday and the theme is "Something Random." My own hop doesn't have a theme, so you are welcome to link your family friendly blog below. Many of you know that I have more than one blog, so today I want to tell you about my latest post on Happy Moms,...
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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #60

Samantha turns 13 on Wednesday. Happy Birthday, my girl! Click on the images to make them bigger. Jessica, Amanda, Samantha and Jeremiah Today's photos are of a picnic lunch at the Karoo Gardens. Check out all the photos that I posted on 1camera1mom, including one that Amanda took. Now on to my blog hop... Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or without words) or any picture post at this Picture Perfect Party Linky. Come join me on this fun and easy blog hop! If you host your own...
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