We've had a busy last couple of weeks. Samantha turned 13 and then about a week later had a big birthday party. With her birthday money, she bought herself an electric guitar. She's been taking guitar lessons for the last two years at school.
We've been experiencing spring and my garden has begun to blossom. Some of the first flowers to make an appearance have been the irises and lilies. I never planted the lilies. They grow wild here as long as they have plenty of water.
Amanda has been having fun with my watercolors. I still have my watercolor paint and paintbrushes that I bought in Heidelberg, Germany as a teenager and that's what she's been using. I'm also letting her paint on proper watercolor paper. It's been a lot of fun.
Amanda and Jeremiah are good friends.
The cats are best friends.
Since it's almost Halloween, I had to show you this photo. We've been getting these rain spiders over the past couple of weeks and they always freak me out. Even the way they move is creepy. Hubby has been catching them in a plastic container and releasing them back outside away from the home.
Here's my hubby's latest post on Real Church Life, "Is Halloween for Christians?" He gets into the debate and opens up a "hornets' nest."
Here's my latest series of photos on 1camera1mom, "The Robertson Wine Region - Part 2." If you like beautiful countryside, snow-capped mountains, budding trees, cows and horses, then you'll like this series.
Now on to my blog hop...

Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday
(with or without words) or any picture post
at this Picture Perfect Party Linky.
Come join me on this fun and easy blog hop!
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Here are the easy rules:
- Follow me. Please leave a comment so that I can follow back (as long as your blog is family friendly).
- Link-up your post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like.
- Grab the button below and add it on your post or side-bar.
- Tell others about this hop on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.
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This is a Wordless Wednesday blog hop.