Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our Day in Pictures and #WW #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect
Party Linky #115!

My teenagers have grown up without Halloween and trick-or-treating. It's not really celebrated in South Africa, so I decided for the first time to do something for Amanda. I surprised her with clues and a treasure hunt. We've got this little maze at the Botanical Gardens near us and I made her wait while I ran through it hiding little gifts. Her favorite gifts were the pink hair spray and the black slime. At least she wasn't inundated with candy.

This is our Halloween in pictures.

Click on the images to view them larger.

Amanda spotted this tortoise on
our way back to the car.

A huge rain spider came to visit.
Check out Amanda's pink hair spray.

We made caramel popcorn balls.
The recipe is below.

Boy and Spider in Neon

Boy and Spider in Pencil Sketch

Yes, we had a very interesting day!

Easy Caramel Popcorn Balls Recipe:
300 ml (1 1/4 cups) sugar
250 ml (1 cup) golden syrup
1 packet (about 80 g) Jell-O (choose your favorite flavor)
3 liters (about 13 cups) plain popped popcorn

Heat the sugar, syrup and Jell-O until melted (about 5 min.) stirring gently. Then pour this syrup over the popcorn in a bowl and stir it in with a spoon (don't use a plastic spoon or bowl as the syrup is very hot). Once it's cooled enough to handle, oil hands well and shape into balls. Please be extra careful with children helping as the syrup can seriously burn a person. These popcorn balls are sticky. You can try to dry them out in the oven, but I just wrapped ours in cling wrap.


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Amanda’s Books and More

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Comments (17)

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Looks like your daughter had an awesome day!
Have a wonderful week! :-)
Popcorn is one of my kids favourite snacks.. The one that Amanda made looks super yummy.
My recent post Random Blooms- Photographed on Vacation
1 reply · active 542 weeks ago
Thanks! Your bee photo was my favorite!
My recent post Our Day in Pictures and #WW #Linky
I think you made of it a wonderful day for Amanda, it's a clever way to have her enjoy and participate of Halloween without getting all the candy and going door to door.
Take Care!
My recent post Halloween-2014 Wordless Wednesday Hop
Such awesome photos you share each week, Amanda is growing up in front of our eyes!!!
Have a great day!!!
My recent post Wordless Wednesday Featured Co-Hosts
Great photos! Amanda is adorable. Have a terrific day.
My recent post #WordlessWednesday on a Tuesday - My Cute Little Carrot
1 reply · active 542 weeks ago
Thanks, Cascia! It was a great idea to dress your little sweetie as a carrot, since you represent healthy moms. :)
My recent post Our Day in Pictures and #WW #Linky
What a great idea for Halloween! Beautiful pics and great recipe!
My recent post Wordless Wednesday: International Waterlily Collection w Linky
1 reply · active 542 weeks ago
Thanks, Candy! I linked up on your blog hop. I saw your lovely water lilies. It's interesting that on my other blog, 1camera1mom, I posted water lilies without knowing about International Waterlily day. Enjoy your week!
My recent post Our Day in Pictures and #WW #Linky
I just can't get over how beautiful it is where you live! Love that turtle too is that her pet?
1 reply · active 542 weeks ago
Thanks so much! Just a quick lesson: Turtles swim in water and tortoises don't. This is a tortoise and Amanda spotted it on our trip to the Botanical Gardens. I took her there for a little treasure hunt to celebrate Halloween since it's not celebrated in South Africa. So, the tortoise lives at the Botanical Gardens and is not her pet. Surprisingly, it moves really fast - like a speedy grandpa (although I wouldn't know if it was male or female). I just visited your post. It looks like you guys had a super Halloween! Take care and thanks for linking!
My recent post Our Day in Pictures and #WW #Linky
It is just insanely gorgeous there...I love the pictures!
My recent post Wordless Wednesday – Fall Pictures
That pink hair spray is super cool! What a great way to spend Halloween - looks like Amanda had a blast! :)
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
My recent post Sticky toffee pudding in 30 easy steps
I love the way you celebrated Halloween.
So much better than what we do in the states.
Love the pink highlights...fun!

My recent post Top Ten Books To Re-Read
What a fun day. I have to say, Halloween is my least favorite holiday. I like the way you spent it! Thanks for hosting. Have a super rest of the week.
Christine/Cool Mom
for The Stanley&Katrina Gang
My recent post Book Blasty Tour Wrap-up - The Observations of the Obstreperous Animals
Hi Bekki! That looks like a fabulous pack that you put together. I miss Thanksgiving and family gatherings. We'll try to do something here in South Africa, but it's not celebrated here so there is no holiday and it's just not the same. Take care and have a great Thanksgiving where you are!
My recent post Holiday Adventure Books and $100 #Giveaway!

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