Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Stray Cat Rescue and #WW #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #139! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the images to view them larger. Samantha found a stray cat in the drain outside our house last week. We gave it some water and a bit of tuna fish. The poor thing was very thirsty and hungry. We only gave it a tiny amount of tuna as I didn't want to give it a tummy ache. At first, we weren't sure if it could move, but after drinking the water, it surprised me by coming out of the drain and rubbing its body around my legs....
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Friday, April 24, 2015

Amazing Video and #Weekend #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #126! My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome Nasturtium flower by Tina Morley  Last weekend I wrote about Fanny Crosby, a blind woman who led an inspirational life. Have you heard of John Bramblitt? I discovered an awesome video on Facebook, posted by HLN on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 showcasing his unbelievable artistic skill. After going blind as an adult, he tried his hand at painting. They are amazing paintings! This is one of the paintings seen...
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Katie and the North Star

Katie and the North Star Book Blast and $25 Giveaway About the Book Title: Katie and the North Star | Authors: Bethany Lopez and Katie Lopez | Illustrator: Hetty Mitchell | Publication Date: March 13, 2015 | Publisher: Independent | Pages: 26 | Recommended Ages: 2 to 6 Summary: Katie and the North Star is a book filled with adventure, joy, and imagination. Join Katie as she learns why she can't keep the North Star all to herself. * PRICE DROP * "Katie and the North Star" is available as an e-book for only 99 cents...
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Caterpillar Shoes and $50 #Giveaway

Caterpillar Shoes Book Blast and $50 Giveaway! About the Book Title: Caterpillar Shoes | Author: Angela Muse | Illustrator: Ewa Podles | Publication Date: March 26, 2015 | Publisher: 4EYESBOOKS | Pages: 28 | Recommended Ages: 0 to 8 Summary: Patches is an energetic caterpillar who is trying to decide what activities to do. In the end, she doesn't put any limits on herself and lives her life to the full. Amazon * Goodreads About the Author: Angela Muse Angela was born in California to a military family. This...
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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bright Bougainvillea with #WW #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #138! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the images to view them larger. Bougainvillea in South Africa ********************* Final Post in My Cape Town Series: Company's Gardens ********************* My Latest Book Review: Goo and Spot Bedtime Story ********************* My Weekend Post: Fanny Crosby ********************* ********************* Now on to my blog hop... Come link up your Wordless Wednesday (with or...
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Friday, April 17, 2015

Inspirational Story and #Weekend #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #125! My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome It's my 5th year as a volunteer at the Institute for the Blind in South Africa. I read text books and other materials in a sound room for a few hours every week. It's a small thing that I can do. Sometimes the material I have to read is boring, but I stick with it. Fanny Crosby image from Wikipedia Someone who led a very inspiring life was Fanny Crosby (1820 - 1915). At six weeks of age, she went blind. This did not...
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