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I've shared a few times about the English Language School (ELS) at YWAM, Worcester, South Africa. I enjoy teaching there and meeting students from around the world. Today I'm sharing a video testimony of one of the previous ELS students, Simone. Part of it was filmed on our street and at our neighbor's house and it ends off at YWAM and the ELS where I teach. She's from Brazil and a survivor of abuse.
This second video is of a superb performance by two young kids singing, "You Raise Me Up." I showed it to Amanda and she was in awe, like me.
Make My Saturday Sweet is a weekend blog hop for all family friendly blogs. You are welcome to link your favorite post from the past week(s) and to visit the last link before yours and leave a sweet comment. It's a really easy and fun way to make new friends and to catch up on old acquaintances.
Now on to my blog hop...
It's time for another Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop!
Join me (your host) for this fun and easy hop.
All family friendly blogs are welcome!
If you host your own blog hop(s), then feel free to
I dont even like to think about abuse, I and my kids experienced verbal and some physical abuse 30 years ago, I feel so for those that have experienced abuse in their life, be it verbal or physical.
Thankfully she didn't have kids and she finally had the courage to get away. I always believe that a mom and her kids should never have to live through that and I get so upset when some Christians (including pastors) think that marriage is more important than safety from physical or verbal abuse. Hopefully you have healed enough to encourage others to be strong and find help. I will pray for you tonight, because I know that even if it was 30 years ago, these hurts can run deep. Take care and God bless! My recent post 2 Great #YouTube Videos and a Weekend #Linky
There are lots of kinds of abuse, and I had to contend with some levels of abuse in my famiy growing up. I was very happy to eventually be able to leave when I grew up, and married a very sweet man who never loses his temper. It is good the woman in the story could escape. I love the song the children were singing, they are such good performers. My recent post Sweets for the Sweet October 18, 2015
Thanks Hannah (Nancy)! I just saw your comment to me on Pinterest and this one here on my blog. It's always great connecting in different ways. I try to make good use of social media for that purpose. If Pinterest and other platforms aren't your thing, that's perfectly fine. You are still welcome to link up anytime! Also, I'm so glad you got away from the abuse at home and found a sweet husband to marry! My recent post Pink Roses with #WW #Linky
I’m a mom blogger and indie author. I post about books, share original photos, and host a weekly blog hop. Amanda's Books and More is based on my youngest child and our love of books.
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Sarah Eliza · 491 weeks ago
So thankful that God brought Simone out of such an awful situation, and used your organization so powerfully in her life!
My recent post Organizing Your Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe, The Life Changing Magic of Hanging ALL THE THINGS!
ohmyheartsie 81p · 491 weeks ago
Hope your have a great day!
tinarobmorley 93p · 491 weeks ago
My recent post 2 Great #YouTube Videos and a Weekend #Linky
Hannah · 491 weeks ago
My recent post Sweets for the Sweet October 18, 2015
tinarobmorley 93p · 489 weeks ago
My recent post Pink Roses with #WW #Linky