Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Blood Moon and a Linky

These are my photos of the full moon the day after the blood moon eclipse. It wasn't that hard to capture these images. With my little Canon PowerShot, I kept my settings on automatic, didn't use the flash, rested the camera against a support, and zoomed in a bit on the first pics and zoomed in a bit more on the last one. And yes, it really was that orange-red color! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the photos to enlarge them. *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Fiesta...
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Dragon School Books 13 and 14

Dragon School: Dire Quest About the Book: Title: Dragon School: Dire Quest | Author: Sarah K. L. Wilson | Genre: Fantasy Adventure | Pages: 87 | Recommended Age: Young Adult Book Description: Can the Dominion find allies? A new story from USA Today Bestselling author, Sarah K. L. Wilson With the Dominion so divided that no easy peace can come, Amel is sent on a dire mission to find outside allies. But Amel doesn’t speak the language and her powerful allies are far away. Can she do the impossible on her own? Fans...
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Monday, July 30, 2018

Indie Fantasy Addicts Reading Challenge and Giveaway

Indie Fantasy Addicts Reading Challenge and Giveaway Do you enjoy reading fantasy novels by indie authors? I certainly do and for this reason I'd like to let you know about a great summer reading challenge (open internationally) with some fun prizes to be won! The goal is for members to discover more nail-biting, edge of your seat, take-you-for-a-wild-ride-and-leave-you-breathless books. Some of the authors who graciously donated signed copies and ebooks to this challenge are USA Today and Amazon bestselling authors, including JT...
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Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Green Princess Trilogy and a Linky

The Green Princess Trilogy: Flower (Book 1) About the Book: Title: The Green Princess Trilogy: Flower (Book 1) | Author: H.L. Burke | Pages: 225 | Genre: Fantasy | Recommended Age: Young Adult Book Description: Kitrin always assumed her overprotective parents were just paranoid—until the trees started talking to her. For sixteen years, Kitrin has longed for freedom from her parents' secluded manor. However, one day her emotions trigger flowers to bloom, roots to grasp, and trees to bend. Unable to control her unexplained...
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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

My Oma's 90th Birthday and a Linky

The restaurant in La Jolla where we had the birthday dinner My hubby and I flew to the States to visit my Oma (German for grandma) for her 90th birthday. Today's photos are of the pre-dinner party we had at the rental home in La Jolla, San Diego, where family and friends gathered and also a couple of photos at the restaurant. There were about 15 people who came to celebrate the day with her. I also wrote a short poem for my Oma that morning, which I read at the dinner. This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the photos...
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Monday, July 23, 2018

Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Links!

Author Heidi Lyn Burke has an exciting new project on the go! I'm delighted to share with you her cover reveal and pre-order book links for Spice Bringer. Be sure to check out my weekend post, Meeting Author H.L. Burke, if you missed it! Book Blurb: A deadly disease. A vanishing remedy. A breathless journey. All her life, Niya's known she will die young from the fatal rasp. She survives only with the aid of vitrisar spice and a magical, curmudgeonly fire salamander named Alk. Then an ambitious princess burns down the vitrisar...
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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Meeting Author H.L. Burke and Weekend Linky!

Heidi Burke and Christina Morley I was in San Diego for my grandmother's 90th birthday. I knew that one of my favorite indie authors lived there, Heidi Burke, so I asked if we could meet. I've read and reviewed many of her books over the years on this blog. Amanda also read and reviewed one of her books with me, Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon. She brought gifts, specifically two books that I haven't yet read, which she signed! I also gave her a few goodies from South Africa and my own self-published book, Happy Moms, Happy Homes.  Below...
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