Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dragon Chameleon Books 3 and 4

Dragon Chameleon: City of Ice About the Book: Title: Dragon Chameleon: City of Ice | Author: Sarah K. L. Wilson | Genre: Fantasy Adventure | Pages: 98 | Recommended Age: Young Adult Book Description: Out of the frying pan into the fire. A new series by USA Today bestselling author, Sarah K. L. Wilson. With Bataar deathy ill and a city on the lookout for Tor, things seem more desperate than ever for Tor and his dragon partner, Saboraak. But a new ally with a plan might be just what they need to find answers. Can they...
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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

What Our 3 Big Kids are Up To and a Linky

Siblings: Jessica, Jeremiah, and Samantha We started our family early after a year of marriage. Jeremiah and Jessica are only 18 months apart and then Samantha came into the world 2 and a half years later, so we can't say that we really experienced being parents of an only child. Now all 3 big kids are out of the house and it's just Amanda left. Samantha headed off to Stellenbosch University (Stellies) last Wednesday and Jessica to the University of Cape Town (UCT) yesterday (Monday the 28th of January). Jessica's res. is still under...
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Thursday, January 24, 2019

To Court a Queen

To Court a Queen by H.L. Burke About the Book: Title: To Court a Queen | Author: H.L. Burke | Pages: 112 | Genre: Romantic Fantasy | Recommended Ages: Young Adult and Up Book Description: He doesn't want to get married, but he wants to be a frog even less. Knight errant, Devin, takes a shortcut through the woods, only to be captured by fairy forces. The fairy queen has run out of breathing males to fight for her hand, and Devin, while not ideal fairy stock, is breathing--for now. Telling a vain fairy queen you'd...
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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Fun at the Beach and a Linky

Friend, Amanda, and Samantha We had a lot of fun visiting my in-laws over the December holidays at South Africa's West Coat. We have 4 kids, but in some of the photos is another child the same age (10) as Amanda. The girls have been friends for the past few years. Not only are they the same age, but their grandparents live next door to each other and both own a miniature Schnauzer! How cool is that? I think Ziggy, my in-laws' miniature Schnauzer, is missing all that attention he got from the kids! Robbie Amanda and...
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Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Princess and the Peacock

The Princess and the Peacock About the Book: Title: The Princess and the Peacock (Birds of Fae Book 1) | Author: C.S. Johnson | Pages: 104 | Genre: Fairy Tales Book Description: The first time I fell in love with Princess Mele was when I saw her smile, and I fell in love with her the second time the moment I heard her sing. Two memories burn within Kaipo's heart -- the death of his mother, which left him alone to die, and the arrival of Princess Mele, which gave him a new reason to live. Together with his adopted...
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