Tuesday, March 31, 2020

On Lockdown with Dogs and a Linky

Robbie, Jessica, and Amanda with Koda and Biscuit South Africa is on a 21-day lockdown and, for the most part, no one is allowed to leave their properties. This means our dogs are no longer able to go for their usual run, but they seem to be enjoying the extra attention that we’re giving them. We adopted both adult dogs from different animal shelters. We’ve had Koda longer than Biscuit. The dogs have to be watched around our cats, especially Biscuit, because she has killed a cat before out in the bushveld. Even today, she went...
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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Epic Book Giveaway Party on Instagram!

Epic Book Giveaway Party on Instagram from April 1-30! Follow me on Instagram @tinarobmorley to enter. I'll keep you posted on which books I'm giving away soon! #BRIAEpicGiveaway ...
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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Social-Distancing at the Botanical Garden and a Linky

One thing you'll quickly figure out about me is that I love taking photos. Most of them are my own unless stated otherwise. If I am in the photo, then probably one of my family members took it. Enjoy today's photos of our family practicing social-distancing at the Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden. We were happy to get out of the house and enjoy nature while keeping away from other people.  Sisters Jessica, Amanda, Samantha, and Tina Photo: Robbie Morley Robbie and Tina Photo: Samantha Morley Amanda Samantha Samantha...
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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Reading and Listening While Social Distancing!

Free eBooks and audio books below! I'm doing things a bit differently today. I want to encourage my readers during this topsy-turvy time. I hope my book related photos and these free and discounted books will be a source of comfort. All photos are my own. The first two reading rooms are from coffee shop restaurants. Do you read eBooks are do you prefer them in print? With everyone being encouraged to stay away, this is the best time to give eBooks a try if you haven't already. Reading Two of my favorite sites that offer...
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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Catching Waves and a Linky

I know that every year I share photos of my husband and daughters boogie boarding, but every year the waves are so cool and unpredictable. The way the sunlight falls is always a little different too depending on the clouds and the time of day. These pics were taken over December, which is our summer holiday in South Africa. Amanda was exiting the beach when I took these photos of her dad boogie boarding. Amanda and her dad at the beach *************************** Here's a peek at my latest poston 1camera1mom: Mush Slime Workshop *************************** My...
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