Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Periwinkle and a Linky

I've been sharing photos of flowers in my garden. Today's flowers are two types of periwinkle. The pink and white ones are known as Madagascar periwinkle or Cape periwinkle. Since I live in the Western Cape, the latter fits best. They last forever once cut. The photo above shows how pretty they are in a bouquet. I have more photos of the violet-colored periwinkle, which make a pretty groundcover. Our shelter dog, Koda, is included in the last pic.


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:

On the Road to Malmesbury



Come link up your Wordless Wednesday
(with or without words) or any picture post
at this Picture Perfect Party Linky.
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Here are the easy rules:
  • Follow me on one or more links above or via email.
  • Link up any family-friendly post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like.
  • If possible, copy the button code below and add it to your linked post or blog's sidebar.
  • And, I'd love it if you could share about this hop on social media.
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Amanda’s Books and More


*** If you want to comment, then please make sure this page's permalink loads as http and not https! My blog is hosted by Blogger, which uses cookies to improve your browsing experience, and it's best viewed in Google Chrome. ***



  1. Now I know where Crayola got its name for a beautiful shade of pinky-purple!

  2. What lovely captures :-)

    Have a bloomingperiwinkletastic week 👍

  3. So pretty!! (As an aside, some weeks there are comment boxes and some week there aren't. Not sure if that is my end or your end?)

    1. I use a third party comment system that only works if you load the page in http and not https. This one is the default comment system. I don't like it as much, mainly because my reply won't go to you directly.

  4. The flowers and the mountains are beautiful.

  5. Beautiful pictures! Periwinkle flowers are beautiful and great survivors. In my place, it is called a name which means 'one that smells like a dead body".

  6. So very beautiful. Just lovely. Thanks for hosting this great party.

  7. The flowers you share are always so lovely!
    Thank you for sharing on #omgww this week.
    Have a happy week to you and your family!

  8. Oh wow, your flowers are so beautiful! The colors are so vibrant and cheerful. Thanks for the party!



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