Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Brunfelsia Flowers a Cover Reveal and a Linky

We have a Brunfelsia shrub growing in our backyard. It's part of the nightshade family and is by far the most fragrant of all of our flowers. South Africans usually call it yesterday-today-tomorrow. I've been told that's because the flower changes color as it ages. Another name I found on Wiki is lady of the night which is kind of a cool name. I took the first two photos in shade and the others are in full sunlight. I like the full sunlight ones best.


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:

Hiking With Dogs


Cover Reveal Time!

Book Blurb:

My city is under attack by shadowfiends. Apparently, this is my fault, thanks to the family I’ve never met.

At least the attack interrupted my first couples therapy session with Cendric. Small blessings, right?

Then my long-lost dad—yeah, the one that’s supposed to be dead—shows up to tell me that the shadowfiends are controlled by Raith, an old family member who’s here to recharge his magical batteries by any means necessary, including destroying Pittsburgh and me. Oh, and centuries ago, Raith picked a fight with the local dragons, so they’re after me as well.

Now I have to learn my family’s magic, stop Raith's path of destruction, and make nice with the dragons. Speaking of which, did I mention my oh-so-quiet secretary has eloped with one of the dragons' worst enemies?

Personally, all I want for Christmas is to survive until New Year’s. And maybe, a vacation.

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Amanda’s Books and More


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  1. Such a lovely plant with its 2 colors of blooms!

  2. You wrote that book (with the cover reveal)? I didn't realise. Congratulations. That is so exciting!!! In more pedestirain news, in Australia we also call it yesterday,today&tomorrow - each flower colour represents a day but I forget which order...presuming dark to white but really no idea. They seem to turn up at the same time....

    1. I am working on a book and a prequel, but that book is by author Janeen Ippolito. I never knew how much time it would take to write a book when I started.

      That's neat that you know my flowers and call them by the same name. Have a great week!

  3. I have never heard of these before there beautiful :-0

    Have a bloomingtastic week Christina 👍

  4. I also had never heard of these and they are so beautiful and full of color. Thanks for sharing them.

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments! I love hearing from you.

  6. I have never heard of those flowers before!

  7. Beautiful photos and flowers! I also really like the name "lady of the night". So mysterious!



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