Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Foggy Morning in June and a Linky

These photos were taken recently on a foggy morning in June. The sky was mostly blue with a hint of pastel colors. It's wintertime in South Africa but soon we'll be flying to Vienna to visit family where we'll enjoy warm days once again. Since I'll be away for two weeks in July, my weekly blog hop will stay open until we're back.


The latest update on funds raised to help Ukrainian refugees is now over $25,000! You can find a portion of my book The Novice by C.A. Morley (that’s me) in Fierce Hearts. The anthologies are not Christian, although some of the stories are "clean" and I know a few of the authors are professing Christians. All of the proceeds (100%) are going to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) for Ukrainian refugees.


Come link up your Wordless Wednesday
(with or without words) or any picture post
at this Picture Perfect Party Linky.
Join me on this fun and easy blog hop!

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Here are the easy rules:
  • Follow me on one or more links above or via email.
  • Link up any family-friendly post with a picture and follow as many new blogs as you like.
  • If possible, copy the button code below and add it to your linked post or blog's sidebar.
  • And, I'd love it if you could share about this hop on social media.
The Button Code:

Amanda’s Books and More


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  1. Wow. So very nice. Have fun on your vacation. Very beautiful.

  2. I love seeing your pics. There is something about nature that makes me feel closer to God.

  3. Beautiful photos and what an amazingly successful fundraiser! Congratulations. I hope you have a wonderful trip!



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