Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Visiting the Cemetery in Vienna and a Linky

In English: In gratitude for our deceased friends and patrons...

Samantha and Amanda

In the background: my brother and my mom

We just got back from a small family reunion with relatives on the von Schwarzbek side of the family in Vienna, Austria. The event was to lay my Opa's ashes to rest in the family plot at the Hietzing Cemetery. If you're familiar with the famous painter, Gustav Klimt, he's also buried there, among other people of note. We have a permanent plot there with the first family members dating back to the 1800s. The words at the top of the gravestone are written in German and say, "The resting place of our good and unforgettable parents and their families." We had to get back for Amanda's third school term and missed the actual burial, but we did visit the cemetery before we left. The last two photos were taken by other family members.

I've been sharing a few photos on Instagram, and I'll be adding more. Below is a peek at St. Stephen's Cathedral. If you visit my account, you'll also see pics that I posted on another day taken inside the cathedral. It was amazing coming up the escalator from the underground subway to see this cathedral towering above us upon our arrival in Vienna. We were staying in an apartment only a couple of minutes away on foot.



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  1. What neat photos! I hope you had a wonderful time reuniting with family.

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  2. It must have been a very emiotional trip. I'm visiting Vienna myself in October.

  3. Oh, I love old cemeteries and cathedrals. What beautiful photos. And how lovely that you were able to make the trip to lay your Opa to rest.



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