Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pleased with Herself

We have an open-plan living room and dining room. This morning the couch was pushed up against the back of the dining room chair where Jeremiah was sitting and studying for his mid-term exams. (American kids are out of school enjoying summer break, while my three big kids here in South Africa are busy with exams.)

I watched as Amanda tried to squeeze between the couch and the chair. I then called for Jessica to push the couch back, because she had moved it earlier to get a better view of the TV. When she came through, Amanda happily said, “It’s fine. I did it myself!”

Jeremiah heard that and added, with a bit of a laugh, “Yah, but I helped you.”

Isn’t that just how we are with things that we’ve accomplished? We happily say, “I did it myself!” But, what we don’t realize is that God is smiling down from heaven and thinking, “Yah, but I helped you.”


  1. So true!!! New follower from the blog hop this morning. :) Hope you can stop by my places

    1. Hi Jenni! I tried to comment on your homeschooling blog, but I kept getting an error and I logged out and logged in, and again I got an error, so I gave up and am posting it here:

      That's wonderful that you are on this exciting journey of homeschooling. I loved reading about the family and the DVD. It's always exciting to hear people using their creativity and imagination that's from God and for God. I have an education board on Pinterest with home school ideas that I find interesting. My board is with my youngest in mind, but I did homeschool in the past for two years with my 3 big kids and don't regret it. My kids are now happy in their schools, which have a strong Christian influence. You can go to my Pinterest boards from any of my blogger blogs, except for the Word Press one.

      God bless!

  2. Sweet. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I visited your blog and recognized the book's name and cover from another blogging mom. I think it sounds wonderful! I'm always impressed with people's creativity.

      I'm now following your blog.


  3. Thanks Sis! You're always a blessing!

    Tina :)

  4. I love how much our children teach us.

    I'm a new follower from the blog hop. I hope you'll come by and say hi!

    1. I love your super mom image! I'm now following back!

  5. Well said. 1 Corinthians 1:31 Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

    We met through the blog hop. Glad I got to come across your site.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to visit two of my blogs! I love writing and there seems to be so much bursting inside of me that I feel compelled to share, so I ended up with 4 blogs and share number 5 with hubby. I hope you will be blessed every time you visit. :)


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