Friday, October 28, 2016

Yogurt-Curry Chicken and More with #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #195! I rarely post recipes, but this is my second one in a row on my weekend blog hop. My gift of three bookmarks by Donna at Writer Side Up inspired today's one. Her bookmarks encourage creativity, both in writing and in cooking. That makes them perfect for me, because I enjoy doing both! When it comes to cooking, I usually don't follow a recipe, but I had extra yogurt and skinless chicken portions and needed an idea. I found this recipe, Yogurt-Curry Marinated Chicken,...
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Going Out More Often with #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #214! Eventbrite is rallying people together to promote #GOMO (Going Out More Often). They asked me if I would spread the word to my readers to think of ways to get out of the house without needing to spend any money. The photos I chose to share today will hopefully inspire you and your family to go out more often too! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on my photos to see them at their best! Walk the Dog! Grab Your Camera and Photograph Nature! These flowers...
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Friday, October 21, 2016

Birthday Cake with Weekend #LinkyParty

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #194! As many of you already know, Samantha turned 16 this month. My mom-in-law brought ice-cream, strawberries, and brownies through for the occasion. Amanda and I had baked a chocolate cake that we hadn't yet decorated, so we left it for the following day when we weren't all so full of good food and dessert. I'm a fuss free kind of person, so here's a cake that tastes great and makes a statement without too much effort! The cake we baked was a Devil's food cake and...
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Thursday, October 20, 2016

The SockKids Stop a Bully

The SockKids Stop a Bullyby Michael John Sullivan and Shelley Larkin About the Book: Title: The SockKids Stop a Bully | Authors: Michael John Sullivan and Shelley Larkin | Illustrator: Alexandra Gold | Genre: Children's Picture Book/Social Issues | Number of Pages: 56 | Publisher: Insider's Report, Inc | Publication Date: June 7, 2016 Book Description: The SockKids focus on educating children and adults how bullying affects us all and what we can do about it. Do you know where your socks go when they go missing in the washing...
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