Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Lavender and Kiss-Me-Quick with Linky

The lavender and kiss-me-quick are flowering like crazy and adding so much color to the back garden. Hubby tried to get rid of the latter, which is an invasive plant, but it won't stay dead.

Soon it will be swimming weather as we head into summer here in South Africa. My kitchen window looks down on this part of the garden, so I appreciate the pretty pool and flowers.


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:

Beer Garden Birthday



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  1. What lovely photos the lavender and the pool

    Nice smiles from all :-)

    Have a birthdaytastic week 👍

  2. I bet it smells wonderful there! Delightful

  3. I love lavender, but I never succeeded to keep it in my balcony.
    No idea why! Awesome images!
    Happy WW and a fine week!

  4. Such a sweet set of photos with the lavender and the pool. Love the color.

  5. Thanks for your friendly comments! I read them every week, even if you don't hear from me.

  6. Beautiful photos of flowers and pool. Kiss-me-quick is an interesting name for a invasive plant.

  7. How I love lavender!

    Have a fine day, Amanda!

  8. I love lavender! Beautiful photos!


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