Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nurturing Joy, by Moms for Moms - Free eBook

I'm very excited to share about a free eBook written by moms for moms called, Nurturing Joy: Illuminating Everyday Enchantment. And, I am one of the moms who contributed!

The lovely lady behind the project is Becky from Raising Loveliness. She has put together a beautiful post about anything that has recently brought us joy, so go check it out and meet some of the moms behind the eBook!

A word from Becky:

I believe that motherhood is a gift, but I know that at times, it can be challenging and perhaps a bit lonely. It is my hope that in reading the interviews with the inspiring mothers featured in this book, you will be reminded that you are not alone. We are right here with you, walking through this journey of a lifetime, side by side.

You can grab your free copy of

Becky's eBook consists of interviews from 14 moms about how we nurture joy in our day to day lives, even through difficult times. Today I’d like to share with you my answer to the question:

When do you feel most fully alive?

I feel most fully alive when I’m inspiring others. I’ve taught on different levels, including as an English teacher to high school students and a Bible teacher to missionaries, but teaching on its own isn’t enough. Sometimes people get stuck in life and I like to help “un-stick” them. I try to motivate people to widen their horizons and to strive for excellence in all that they do.

I also feel most fully alive when I’m engaging in my talents and hobbies. I could never be satisfied with being a housewife or stay-at-home mom, because these roles aren’t the only ones that define me. I have a need to embrace all of who I am. One way that I do this is through blogging. When I’m blogging, I get to celebrate my life and my family, use my talents, and inspire others.


Now I ask my readers the same question,
"When do you feel most fully alive?"
I would love to hear from you!

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