Friday, August 30, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #47

Welcome to another weekend and a fun blog hop! You can make it sweet by linking your blog bellow on my Make My Saturday Sweet and visiting a couple of bloggers who linked up before you. I'm also joining Create With Joy's link party, Friendship Friday, and her topic today is "Time." I took this photo at a really neat farm stall last year. You can see my series on 1camera1mom. Time does mean different things to different cultures. Some cultures are more event oriented and not time oriented. My son recently attended a Brazilian...
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #54

My mom flew our family to the States to celebrate her 60th birthday. It was our first time seeing where they spend their holidays in Florida. These pictures were taken on the very first day that we arrived. My mom and step-dad were showing us around. You won't see me in any of these photos as I was taking the pictures, but there's a really nice one of me on my latest post, Matanzas, Florida - Part 2. Amanda Grandma Lisa and Amanda Amanda and Samantha Robbie and Amanda Samantha, Jessica and Grandma Lisa Amanda...
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Friday, August 23, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #46

It's time again for another Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop. How can you make someone's Saturday sweet? By linking up your blog and visiting other bloggers who linked up before you! It's easy and fun. I'm also linking up with two Friday blog hops and answering their writing prompts. Today's Finish the Sentence Friday is "I wasn't really myself when I..." I wasn't really myself when I fell pregnant with Amanda, my fourth child. It's not that I didn't want more kids, but my three older kids had grown up to a large extent and I was...
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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #53

Friends of my mom and step-dad are involved in rehabilitating wild or feral mustangs near St. Augustine, Florida. Their names are Ericka and David Savage. They introduced us to three mustangs who had been recently rescued from bad situations and were being rehabilitated so that they could go to their forever homes. They also took us to meet mustangs that they themselves had adopted. Three of my kids even got to ride on the tamest one. It was Amanda's first time on a horse and she loved it. You can see more photos on my 1camera1mom,...
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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #45

I'm linking with two other great hops today and I've enjoyed answering their writing prompts for this Friday. My own hop doesn't have a theme, so you are welcome to link your family friendly blog below. Just remember to visit the last two links before yours and leave a comment and make their Saturday sweet. Friendship Friday This week’s theme is on hobbies. I have lots of hobbies, but I don’t always find time to enjoy them. Ever since I started blogging, though, I “found” more time for writing and taking photos, which are...
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #52

We took Amanda on her very first safari. It wasn't in South Africa where we live, but in Disney World, Florida. We went on the Kilimanjaro Safari in Disney's Animal Kingdom. As you can see from the first photo in the set, Amanda was very excited. If you are planning to one day make a trip to Disney World, then you'll want to check out my list of 7 Essential Sites, which helped me plan ours. Now on to my blog hop... Here's your chance to link up your Wordless Wednesday(with or without words) or any picture postat this Picture...
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Friday, August 9, 2013

Make My Saturday Sweet - Blog Hop #44

I'm back with another Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop. I was in the States on vacation and kept my blogging to a minimum, so I haven't posted this hop since the 4th of July. My previous 4th of July was pretty dismal. I think you'll enjoy visiting both of those posts, so go on and check them out! Friendship Friday - Birthdays My favorite way to celebrate my birthday is to be spending it with good friends and close family members and eating good food. I can't remember someone throwing me a surprise birthday party before. I...
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Picture Perfect Party Linky #51

If you love animals, then you'll certainly enjoy your time at Disney's Animal Kingdom. They have a variety of wild animals to see including endangered species and a live bird show called Flights of Wonder. We also went on a few rides, including Expedition Everest, which was a roller coaster that Amanda was big enough to ride. We also saw the amazing Festival of the Lion King. I had too many pictures to share, so I'll keep the ones from our safari ride for next week. We did one character breakfast at Disney World and it was at...
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