Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!

About a week before Christmas, Robbie and I spent two days in Cape Town. These are some of the Christmas lights that we saw downtown. My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Please click on the images to enlarge them. On Christmas morning our family of six drove to "Grandma's house." We didn't go over the river or through the woods, but it was a pretty drive for most of the way. My in-laws live at the West Coast in South Africa and they have an idyllic view of the beach and ocean. It's really wonderful for a family...
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Friday, December 18, 2015

Youth Camp and Star Child with Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #157! My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the images to view them larger. Above is a Christmas picture that Amanda made for her teacher. I added a few embellishments for today's post. Robbie and I were invited to speak at a youth camp last week, led by Korean missionaries. We had two sessions with them and lots of hands-on activities. Since Robbie is South African, he can speak Afrikaans, and the kids understand a bit...
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Selah's Sweet Dream

Selah's Sweet Dreamby Susan CountBook Blast with $25 Giveaway! About the BookTitle: Selah's Sweet Dream | Author: Susan Count | Publication Date: December 15, 2015 | Publisher: Hastings Creations Group | Pages: 196 | Recommended Ages: 8+ Book Description: Twelve-Year-Old SELAH (Say-la) aspires to be an equestrian superstar. That would require a horse. HER DILEMMA: Grandpa wants nothing to do with horses. THEN: Selah sees buzzards circling the grasslands behind Grandpa’s farm. They are stalking a horse trapped in wire and Selah...
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas in Summer with #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #172! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on my photos to see them at their best! I wish all my readers a wonderful festive season this Christmas, whether it be summer or winter! Hubby took this photo of me, Amanda and Samantha Jeremiah and Samantha Jessica and Amanda ********************* My Weekend Post: Christmas Nostalgia Snowflake designed by Amanda on her interactive Advent Calendar ********************* Here's a peek at My Latest Post on 1camera1mom: Tulbagh...
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Monday, December 14, 2015

Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon

Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon by H.L. Burke Title: Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon | Author: H.L. Burke | Illustrators: Mikayla Rayne and Jennifer White | Publication Date: March 1, 2015 | Pages: 112 | Recommended Ages: 9 - 12 About the Book Thaddeus F. Whiskers is a pampered palace pet, a kitten enchanted to never become a cat. Princess Clarice loves him, for in the entire kingdom, there is no other kitten as cute or as clever. He leads a life of cushions and cream until a wizard's "gift" results in his banishment....
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Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas Nostalgia with Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #156! My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. If you're a regular visitor to this blog, then you'll know that my family lives in South Africa. Christmas in South Africa is not like North America or Europe. I spent my childhood growing up in the States and Germany where I experienced the beauty and wonder of all the decorations and sometimes even snow at Christmastime. A couple of our Christmases were also spent with my aunt, uncle and cousins in Switzerland! Christmas...
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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Goddess Girls: Hestia the Invisible

Hestia the Invisible Goddess Girls middle grade series by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams Book Blast with $25 Giveaway! Hestia the Invisible Title: Hestia the Invisible (Goddess Girls #18) | Authors: Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams | Publication Date: December 1, 2015 | Publisher: Aladdin / Simon & Schuster | Pages: 256 | Recommended Ages: 7 to 12 Book Description: Set at Mount Olympus Academy where Zeus is principal, the Goddess Girls series (ages 8-12) puts a middle school spin on Greek mythology. Hestia,...
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