Friday, January 30, 2015

Protea Flowers and a Weekend Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #116! My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome Flowers are so fun to photograph. They don't wiggle or make faces. They don't close their eyes at the wrong moment. They let me take all the time I need and I can turn them this way and that way without hearing one complaint. These beauties are called Proteas and even though they did not grow in my garden, they are indigenous to South Africa. In case someone took me too seriously, Amanda is a pleasure to photograph and...
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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Beggar Magic by H.L. Burke

About the Book In Gelia City, magic is music: a constant ever-changing melody known as the Strains. Hereditary ability to use the Strains divides the city into two classes: the wealthy Highmost, who can access the full potential of the Strains, and the Common tradesmen, who are limited to mundane spells, known as beggar magic. With the help of the Strains, Common teen Leilani rescues and befriends a gifted Highmost girl, Zebedy... My Review H.L. Burke is a gifted fantasy author. I have read all of her books thus far and this...
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New School Year and #WW #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #126! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the images to view them larger. Jessica, Samantha and JeremiahChristmas 2014 My kids have begun the new school year for 2015. Jessica is now in Grade 11, Samantha in Grade 9 and Jeremiah heads off to university on the 6th of February. He'll be studying a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in English and Computer Science) at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa. Amanda is now in Grade 1 and really enjoying it. These photos...
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Friday, January 23, 2015

My Weekend Blog Hop

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #115! My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome The photographs that I've been using these last few weekends are pictures of roses from my garden and a friend's garden. I enjoy being creative that way. Please share with us how you've been creative this past week and visit the person who linked up before you! ********************* Now you can order your own personalized blog buttons with HTML, Facebook covers or collages (example: Pinterest-ing pins)! Just visit...
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Best Photos and #WW #Linky

Welcome to my Picture Perfect Party Linky #125! This blog is best viewed in Google Chrome. Click on the images to view them larger. My husband (Robbie), Amanda and Jeremiah - 2014 South Africa I've chosen a selection of my favorite family photos that I took in 2013 and 2014. My criteria included great scenery or atmosphere. Some of these photos were taken in Florida, U.S.A. and some were taken at South Africa's West Coast. A couple of these photos are also going to be posted on my travel blog, 1camera1mom. I've got a series...
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Friday, January 16, 2015

Our Big News of the Week with #Linky

Welcome to my weekend blog hop - Make My Saturday Sweet #114! My blog is best viewed in Google Chrome Can you believe it's already the weekend again? So, what have you been doing this past week? Our big news of the week is that my son has been accepted to Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa. He'll begin his first year of studies in February. And, his little sister, Amanda, will begin grade 1 this coming week! Please link your family friendly posts below and leave a comment with a link. I'm always interested to...
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