Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sunrise From My Balcony and a Linky

*************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Visiting the Town of Robertson *************************** My Latest Book Posts: Indie Fantasy Addicts Summer Reading Challenge Fae Pursuit View this post on Instagram My Sock Sunday feature for today is Fae Pursuit (Book 4) by Sarah K.L. Wilson. It releases June 5. I am reading and reviewing an ARC. I'm a third of the way into the book. It's proving...
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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Indie Fantasy Addicts Summer Reading Challenge

Indie Fantasy Addicts Facebook Group Summer Reading Challenge 2020 #IFASummerChallenge20 Details! The reading challenge starts June 1! Read ANY indie fantasy, and subgenre of fantasy (ARCs, audiobooks, and shorts included) and have a chance at winning some amazing prizes such as signed books, ebooks, audiobooks, and swag from some Amazon Bestselling and USA Today Bestselling authors! HOW TO PLAY: All you have to do is post about what you're reading, tag them with #IFASummerChallenge20 and share your thoughts on the books (without...
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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Stunning Sunsets and a Linky

We saw some stunning sunsets over the weekend. We're in South Africa, but I noticed people in other countries sharing similar sunset photos on Instagram. My dad is in California, and he said that they also saw something like this on the weekend. Aren't these colors just amazing? Two pics are from Saturday, but the rest were taken on Sunday. We're still in lockdown, so I wasn't supposed to walk out on our street to take photos, but I couldn't resist. Saturday's sunset Saturday's sunset Sunday's sunset Sunday's sunset Sunday's...
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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mother's Day and More with a Linky

Even though we're on lockdown in South Africa, I still have plenty of things to photograph from the safety of our home. The first two pics are of the full moon the other night. It was also a supermoon. Another day there was fog over the dam and it was Mother's Day on Sunday. I hope everyone is keeping safe! *************************** Here's a peek at my latest post on 1camera1mom: Raka Wines *************************** My Latest Book Posts: Wayward Magic Anthology Fae Nightmare View...
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Friday, May 8, 2020

Wayward Magic Anthology

Wayward Magic Anthology Book Description: In Hidden Magic, Book I of the Magic Underground anthologies, our heroes faced the seen and unseen in order to save the day. These same characters now find themselves in a continuing world of trouble because as we know, life can be dangerous! Wayward Magic (Magic Underground Book II) reveals stories of missing people, rescue, and most of all, magic. Our heroes will grapple with magic gone wayward in order to save themselves, their families, and often the world. This collection features: Out-of-control...
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